Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're In For It

I'm trying to type this with Lily sitting in my lap looking up at me like this:
It's cute, but not easy. Like her. :) Since this past weekend Lily is suddenly EXTREMELY mobile. I'm still getting used to it. I left her in her pack and play (on her back) for just a minute while I went to get something, and when I came back this is what I saw:
And for the last almost 6 months Lily has laid on a towel in the bathroom with some toys (on her back) while I shower. When I got out of the shower this morning, this is what I saw:
I think she was trying to get the dustbuster so she could clean up the cat hair we have all over the house. Yuck. :(

Lily of the Day

Sorry again that I haven't been posting much. I think people really just want pictures, and I'm mad at our camera lately. I think at least 50% of the pictures I try to take turn out completely fuzzy and useless. :( Anyway, I managed to get this one this morning:
Look at that hair! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Worst Picture Ever of the Funniest Cat Ever

Peanut Butter is my favorite cat. Jelly not so much. Anyway, here is what PB has been doing for the last hour or so:
It's a Peanut Butter burrito/ rug sandwich.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer's Coming

I realize it's only 50 degrees today, but I got a few summer outfits for Lily and wanted to try one on her (because it's going to be 80 on Saturday! woot!), so here is your Lily of the day:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chomping Nature

Benjamin's recent nicknames for Lily are "Chompish" and "Chomping Nature". When she's not chomping on the monkey box or sucking on paci, she's been chewing/sucking on her fingers. This is how I found her after her nap this afternoon:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mama Don't Sleep

We had a rough night last night. I lost count of how many times Lily woke up. Or she could have just been awake all night and I just wasn't conscious enough to know the difference. Anyway, we ended up just putting her in the bed with us because as long as she can press her face against my arm or something she'll sleep, which means that I don't really sleep because I have to constantly make sure she's positioned ok. Crazy kid.

Anyway, maybe she couldn't sleep because of all of yesterday's excitement. Yesterday afternoon I had to run to the post office and WalMart (ugh) and was gone for less than an hour, maybe 45 minutes. When I walked in the door I heard water running in the basement. I dropped Peanut (still in her carseat) on the kitchen floor and ran down to check it out thinking "oh no, the water heater finally gave out" but no, it wasn't the water heater. It was a pipe that had burst and water was shooting out from the basement ceiling (not in the carpeted part but back near the "tool bench" area) and there was maybe 6 inches of water that had flooded that whole area of the basement. So I'm panicking trying to find some valve or something to shut the water off to make this stop, all while hearing the baby crying in her carseat upstairs in the kitchen. I was on the phone with Benjamin trying to find out how I could shut this off and he had me turn the water off above the pump. I do this, and the pump is doing this crazy on-and-off thing and I start to smell something burning. I called Josh and he was on his way over. Peanut is still crying upstairs. :( I'm so stressed I feel like I could just vomit or something. I turn the water back on to keep the pump motor from burning out. I call my mom who answers "I'm in class I'll call you back!" so I start yelling into the phone that a pipe burst how can I shut the water off w/out killing the pump, etc. Fortunately she hadn't hung up on me yet and told me to hit the breaker. I found the breaker and the water and pump went silent. Peanut did not. So I go get the baby, while calling Josh again, who I think had had to get Megan up from her nap because they showed up a few minutes later and poor Meg was totally disoriented and barefoot with messy hair. :) Anyway, Josh saved the day by cleaning up all the water (the sump pump was also dead so he had to use a shop vac and suck up a million tanks full of water, poor guy). He went to Home Depot and got some parts and fixed the pipe. At some point Benjamin came home, and then (Lisa, Josh, the girls, us) we all ate some Thai food.

Anyway, here's Lily's new sound, I think I'll call it the frog bird:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finally, the Egg Hunt Post

I didn't get many pictures, because I was so awfully busy the whole day, but here are our egg hunt day photos:
Mom showed up to help hide eggs right before everyone showed up. This seems like the millionth time she's put Lily in a laundry basket but I think it's really only the 3rd. Lily never seems to mind.

We painted about 3 dozen eggs, and then the girls hunted for about 150 eggs all over the yard. Here is excited Meg:
I think this one is Dad helping Maya and Zinnia find some eggs. Please excuse the diaper laundry...
And somehow the camera lens ended up totally smudged so my pictures of Lily's little basket egg hunt she had after everyone left turned out really smudgy. Anyway, here she is in her egg pit:
And yes, that's a butter box sitting on the floor. She played with that thing almost all day. I'm not sure why she loved it, other than the red on it. The girl still loves red.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Egg Hunt

I'll try to post more later, but we had an Easter egg hunt today. After everyone left my mom helped Lily with her own little egg hunt in the laundry basket:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lily of the Day

Here is your Lily of the day:
And your Lily of yesterday:
I think there's a similarity between these pictures: fish mouth. :)