Friday, May 8, 2009

6 Months

As I mentioned before, not only have I not been able to post much because we've been busy, but the camera wasn't cooperating. Here are some bad pics of what we've been up to:
Today Lily is six months old. I would say time flies, but I'm pretty sure I feel like I've been awake for 6 months straight so maybe it all just runs together in my foggy, frazzled mind. Lily is sitting up with assistance now, as seen in the highchair photo above. Please forgive the messy kitchen. I try to do it all, but evenings have been especially difficult with trying to make dinner for Benjamin and myself, feed her, bathe her, get ready for bed, etc... it's a mess. Please note her smug expression in the above photo. And as an example of the poor quality pictures the camera was taking, see her eating peas below:
We just started the solids maybe two weeks ago as a result of my blistered and bleeding nipples indicating she might be hungry. (Yes, I just said that publicly.) A cute picture I tried to take with the camera that REALLY shows the problems we were having with it:
So please do not scold me not keeping people updated w/ pics of Lily. I have been trying to take pictures to put here and it hasn't been working out, as I tried to say in a previous post. Anyway, we ended up going out and getting a new camera Wednesday night. Here is a pic of our blooming dogwood that Benjamin took:
And here is a pic of our yard that is in dire need of attention. That "king dandelion", as Benjamin calls it, comes to halfway up my thigh if I stand next to it. Anyway these yard photos were taken with very little natural light, with no flash, so clearly a superior camera.
Now I will do my best to get some cute pictures of Lily for everyone. It's hard to take good photos of a baby sitting on my lap growling at me, so if I can get her to do something other than that today I'll try to snap some pics. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the socks!!

    One sock on ... one sock off!! :)

    And the stripped socks are just too cute! :)

    Like gogo ... like grandgirl!!
