Monday, October 12, 2009

Wedding Weekend #2, Part One

Lindy got married on Saturday! Yay!

Sorry, I felt like that deserved huge font. :) Benjamin took the day off on Friday and we headed down to my mom's house for the last-minute preparation. I went to the wedding/reception site to decorate the arch (a giant metal monstrosity that upon inspection looked like it was a yard sale lawn ornament cast-off). Lily stayed behind with Benjamin and apparently spent some time hanging out with Ian's girls:
and learning to walk like Chica.
(She reminds me of Mowgli from The Jungle Book in this picture.)

We were there for far too long and I was stressed out beyond belief because we were also supposed to make the wedding cake. And what a disaster that was! Here is Benjamin working on icing one of the layers (this picture was taken around midnight):
Keep in mind we haven't had a full night's sleep in a year, so we pretty much operate in spaced-out zombie mode 24/7. I knew Benjamin was over-tired when I told him I was worried about one of the layers not cooling fast enough and he immediately tried to put it in the fridge. Apparently he laid it in a drawer on top of a wine bottle, so of course the cake broke:
His response? "I thought it was flatter than that!" Poor guy. Anyway, we finally finished the first layer of icing and went to bed around 12:30.
We woke at 5:30, worked on the cake some more, showered, dressed, fed and dressed Lily, and packed up the car. Lily played sweetly on the floor with marshmallows and confectioner's sugar while we worked:
So we were exhausted to say the least. The wedding was scheduled for 11 AM in Chadd's Ford (which is about an hour and a half from here), and we had a cake to deliver. Oh, and it was pouring rain. Lindy had planned an outdoor ceremony. Stay tuned.


  1. Lily looks like she is lining up to tackle someone in football in the Mowgli picture. :-)

  2. Can't wait for more of the story!

  3. Never a dull moment in your crazy world, eh? :-) I also love the picture with Lily and Chica.
