Monday, November 9, 2009

Lily's First Birthday Party

Nana and Zoe came early to help get ready for the big party. We cleaned the house and Nana took Lily outside to rake while I baked the cake.
Thank you Aunt Elizabeth for the awesome cake pan. :) We chopped and cooked and I iced the cake while Lily napped in the afternoon. Unfortunately this is the best picture we got of the final cake:
I had made the tablecloth with fabric Lily picked out at Joann's. :) Benjamin and Zoe picked up the balloons and decorated during naptime. When Lily woke I put on her party dress and brought her downstairs to this:
She was in awe. :) About 20 people came for the party. We had delicious Indonesian food (chicken satay, yellow rice, etc) courtesy of Nana. The cake was a banana cake with buttercream icing. Lily cried when we sang happy birthday to her. Otherwise she had a fabulous time.

She got lots of new toys. She was great at opening her presents herself, though Maya insisted on unwrapping most of them. Here she is eyeing up some delicious cardboard:
And Chuck the Talking Tonka Truck was a big hit. Thank you again, Aunt Elizabeth!
The other little girls got worn out and had to go home (crying), but Lily just kept playing. Grandpa and Gogo sent lots of books that Lily has been enjoying.
Eventually Lily got tired too.
And then suddenly had a second wind and wanted to play with the trash:
And this is an awful picture but it's a good sign of what's to come...
I had some dishes fall out of the kitchen cupboard and make a racket, so Benjamin ran to my rescue. Unfortunately in the less than one minute she was unsupervised, Lily managed to pull the little chair out from this table and climb up:
So I walked into the dining room to find her on the little table, waited for Benjamin to snap the picture, and immediately took the wild child up to bed. And then I'm such a sap that I had tears in my eyes as I rocked her to sleep because I can't believe that my baby is one. It was a wonderful day and she was sweet and happy and made just the right amount of trouble. :)


  1. So, it seems like #1 birthday was a success -- I know Joedi and I had a great time at the party. Thanks for the recap, too...I love that up on the table shot. :-)

  2. All very sweet and cute! Sorry we had to miss it. But the pictures are a fairly good substitute. Lanie, your concluding comments were especially touching. You're all always in our prayers. God bless.

  3. I like the 1 cake, but I'm not biased or anything! :-) All the gifts were from Uncle Wesley too, btw. It looks like Lily's first birthday was a very happy one!

  4. Well thank you Uncle Wesley. :) And thank you Grandpa too!
