Monday, February 8, 2010

Wiped Out

Lily fell asleep in the car on the way home from her checkup. If you've observed her car behavior, you know that means the morning must have been bad. Oh, it was bad. They warned me at her 12 month visit that the next one would be worse because she would remember what happens and that she doesn't like it. Somehow I had not only forgotten that warning, but I also told myself that there wouldn't be any shots at this visit. I was wrong on that one too.

Anyhoo, it seems that less than half of the roads in this town were plowed since the massive snowfall, so getting to the appointment felt like the Donner Party or something. We made it alive and stopped for more groceries (we actually needed bread, milk, and eggs) because we'll be getting at least 6 more inches of snow tomorrow. Yay, winter!

Moving on- Lily is now 32 1/2" tall (95th percentile) and 24 lbs 10 oz (75th percentile) so she's the same as she ever was. The doctor did notice she's got some crazy molar growth going on. It's kind of amazing that at her last appointment she had some baby fangs and now she's got a whole mouthful of teeth. Her development is right on track: she knows some body parts (head, hair, feet, toes, etc), responds to commands (put it in the trash can- her favorite), is finally walking, etc. I talked to the doctor about the patches of dry skin on her elbows and legs and she said it would be worse if it were a food allergy, and that we should switch to unscented Dove soap, use Eucerin lotion on her regularly, and put hydrocortisone ointment on the elbow patches and any bad spots at least twice a day for 5-7 days. My guess is she has Aunt Elizabeth's eczema, but we'll see...

Now on a final note, please consider Lily's current height (32.5") and look again at the pictures in the previous post below. This is too much snow!!!


  1. Thanks for the good report.
    Sorry about the shot fright and struggle.
    Is it snowing in PA today?

    Hugs to you all.

  2. It's supposed to snow, but we haven't seen anything yet.

  3. Everyone is freaking out about snow...closures all over the place, but not a flake at this point in the afternoon. I am echoing your sentiments, Lanester, about too much snow. I just want to go to bed -- it's overwhelming, and it's making all the people around me behave badly.

    So sorry to hear about the doctor visit difficulties. My heart goes out to you and dearest Lily. I was wondering if this awesome lotion that I use for my keratosis pilaris (on my upper arms, elbows, knees & upper legs) would work for Lil's dry patches. You can research it: Amlactin or Lac-hydrin 5 (I buy whichever is cheaper at the time at CVS) has lactic acid as a main ingredient and makes my seriously terrible skin really smooth (and almost dewy if I lather it on). Just looking out for you'ns. :-) Let's get togehter sometime in the spring after all the snow finally goes away.

  4. With all of the recent excitement I forgot to ever post about this. It's psoriasis that runs in our family, not eczema... I don't know much about eczema, but it seems like it's more of a regular rash whereas psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.
