Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy Girls

This morning we went over to Aunt Lisa's house to hang out with Meg while Lisa went to an appointment. Meg kept telling me she could do all sorts of big girl things because she was wearing her big sister Maya's shoes. I guess I can sort of understand where she's coming from with that, though in reality wearing shoes that were at least 3 sizes too big for her seemed to make everything harder.

Then we came home so Lily could nap. That only lasted an hour (not long enough) so we went over to Aunt Anna's to kill some time. They got some new ducklings last night! They're now living in the chicken house with the baby chicks, but I didn't get any pictures. Though I should really just try to get a video of Lily quacking because she's so good at it. :)

Some other newcomers to the farm- kittens!
They're living in the middle of some hay bales up in the loft of the barn. Still so tiny and cute!
Lily liked them and meowed at them a lot, but mostly wanted to play with the mama cat.
Now I've got to go make dinner and try to remain sane while Lily freaks out because she didn't nap enough and I can't very well make dinner and take her outside at the same time. But at least I gave you all an update, eh?


  1. Love those updates! Keep up the fine work.

  2. Can you wrap up a kitten and bring it to OK?? :-)

  3. I would love to give you one of these kittens, Elz. I really want the little girl that Lily was petting. Benjamin keeps joking that I'm going to be taking Jelly over there and leaving her at the barn and bringing a kitten home to replace her. :)
