Friday, May 29, 2009

What's Up

As always, we've been busy. I recently bought a Motivated Moms chart to try to keep me organized and on task in terms of keeping up with the house, meal planning, etc. Lily is a busy, active, very hungry handful. I've started feeding her solids twice a day, and am thinking about switching that to three times a day (already) because we're having serious nursing issues. I am *this* close to just giving it up. I am literally torn up. :( So I'm going to try pumping and bottle feeding for a while to give myself some time to heal. Pumping has never really gone well for me, and even after a million attempts Peanut still barely knows how to take a bottle, so we'll see how that goes... Lisa's current theory is that Lily is just a really hungry and aggressive baby. All I know is that a lot of people have advice and none of it helps. I am fed up, sore, and exhausted, and I want a break. :(

One thing we have accomplished lately is naps in the crib. Yay! I feel a bit ridiculous that it's taken nearly 7 months go get around to doing this, but yesterday I started putting Lily down for naps in her crib and it's working well so far. She also slept half the night in her room last night, so that's a step. :) Here she is waking up:
I've got my hands full trying to finish up Lily's summer wardrobe, which I'm pretty sure will be the cutest summer wardrobe any baby has ever worn. :) I custom ordered the wool diaper covers to match some fabrics that I will be making tops/dresses out of.
The fishes above are my favorite, I think. I finally got around to tracing the pattern pieces for the dress during nap time yesterday.

And we have puppies:
And this sad picture is just to show the pink chicks fabric I'll be making the top out of for this cover:
All this will have to come after I finish my most recent blankie order. Here are the pieces I cut out last night for a crib-size quilt for a baby in Vermont:
And I will have to make a purple pillowcase to match also. So I'm hoping to finish the quilt today, but we'll see how Peanut does.

The other night we went to Target and bought her a walker. I didn't think they were still making walkers, as they're one of those things that used to be a staple of babyhood until they got the "unsafe" reputation. Benjamin thought we should scour garage sales for the most old-school and unsafe one we could find, as clearly that would be the most fun for her. I looked on ebay, but found that I'd be paying just as much if we were to just buy new, the one and only walker offered by Target, a cheap little Elmo thing. We put it together and plopped her in it as soon as we got home. I'll try to get some pictures of this soon, as it's hilarious. Lisa didn't believe me when I first told her, but she really cruises in the thing. She walked right to Anna on Wednesday. She usually goes towards the cats. When I put her in it in the kitchen so I can cook she immediately finds whatever she shouldn't have. She pulls the dishtowel off of the oven handle. She goes for any power cords that might be accessible. She gets frustrated that she can't reach the drawer handles and cupboard doors. Oh my...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Motivated Mom...I love that you got Lily a walker. Also, those goldfish shorts are fantastic. :-)
