Monday, November 16, 2009

The Stats

Lily had her 1 year well-baby visit this morning. She weighs 22 lbs 12 oz and is 31 1/2 inches. So she's still holding steady at 75th percentile for weight and is 95th for height. The doctor said she has seen similarly crazy teeth before, so no need to worry there. :) She put up a spectacular fight while getting her shots. It was a lot of red-faced yelling and kicking the poor doctor in the gut. And she pulled out the old alligator deathroll trying to get away from the needles, so I had to practically lay on top of her whole torso to hold her down. It was intense. So by 10:30 AM Lily and I were both sweaty and stressed out and ready for the day to be over. But it's not, so I'm going to go try to get some work done.


  1. Aww... poor you guys! Hope all is better tomorrow!

  2. Have you recovered??

    Sorry about the trauma.

    Happy to hear the stats however.
    Happy and healthy giil. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.


  3. I love you and your little gator. ;-)
