Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Party 2009

Last night was the annual Clair Christmas party. I get nervous every year about what to wear, how to socialize, etc, but this year I was nervous about leaving Lily too.Fortunately the wonderful kjk took Lily in for the evening and Benjamin and I were able to spend a couple hours at the party where I compulsively checked my phone for Lily updates, but still not as often as I thought I would.

This year's party was held at the new building. Some scrims, discoballs, and awesome lighting made the warehouse quite rockin and festive:

Benjamin was mostly excited that they had sushi this year. Dave gave Kurt, Benjamin and I a tour of the new building. The highlight is definitely the conference room, complete with artwork projected onto the (textured) wall, lots of comfy lounge seating, awesome lighting, and some fancy high-dollar boxes in the floor that Benjamin would need to describe for you because I would just call them "outlets". Ha!
Anyway, none of the pictures quite do it justice because they were taken with our phones, but an update's an update, right? :) And Peanut played with Kelly, Joe, and Mama K all evening until she was absolutely wiped out. She was so zonked out on the car ride home that her sleepy face almost looked newborn to me again.
Sleepy Peanut...


  1. You guys are so cute! I really like your skirt, Lanie!

  2. Everything is beautiful ...
    the couple ... the child ... the company's new buildlng ...

    Sounds like a good time was had by all.

    Hugs. gogo

  3. I keep forgeting that I took a flip video of Lily playing/watching TV with Mama K that's pretty darn cute. I'll send it to you when I get a chance later. Thanks for the insider Clair views. :-)
