Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gogo and Grandpa came for a visit. Lily loved the constant attention. :)

I'm sorry I've been slow with the updates, but things have been rough here lately. Lily has been waking almost every night and refusing to go back to sleep. I feel like we've tried everything. Tuesday night she was up from 2-5 AM. Last night she woke at 1:45, went back to sleep, woke at 2:45 and did not go back down until 4:15. I had a nearly two week headache that was (I hope) finally fixed by the chiropractor yesterday. I am behind on sewing projects also. So please pray that Lily sleeps and stay tuned for updates. :)


  1. You betcha! We are definitely praying for you, Lily and Benjamin.I guess we just have to do some more serious praying about Little Lily (or Lil' Lil').
    P.S. Our office manager in Boston,(Dianne), wouldn't mind taking Lily for a day or two either.

  2. Praying ...

    should we come get her?? :)

    Hugs. Gogo

  3. You don't know me, but I read your blog. I'm a friend of Patrick and Alyson.
    I have an 11 month old, who like your Lily, is very tall for his age. He has been doing exactly the same thing---waking up in the middle of the night and staying awake. I finally discovered that he was hungry. So, I resorted to my aunt's and mom's old trick. It is not recommended now days, but hey, it buys sleep. I put that infant oatmeal cereal in is bedtime bottle. You have to make the whole in the nipple bigger or if you use Playtex, they have one that is called a tri-cut nipple. I've come to the conclusion that he is having a growth spurt. Hylands Teething Tablets or Colic Tablets are also wonderful for helping babies relax and go to sleep. They are a homeopathic remedy.
