Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Grandfather's Day

This was the day Lily signed the card for grandpa:

First she woke up and demanded to read some books (specifically, "Hop on Pop", which she refers to as "pop pop pop.")

Then we headed downstairs, and she was very excited to sign:

All done!

Time for breakfast:

That evening, we took a walk, and she pretended to nap (complete with snoring):

"all done."

Friday, June 18, 2010

Time Flies

So sorry for the lack of recent updates. I haven't managed to get very good pictures lately, and Lily is a very busy girl (doing what, exactly, I'm not sure. I just know that we're all exhausted at the end of every day.) There is, of course, a lot of reading:Both upside-down and right-side-up:
And a recent trip to the Carter's outlet where Lily fell in love with a pair of purple rainboots:
She likes to wear them while swiffering:
Every time I get out the broom to sweep she runs to the closet to get the swiffer to "help" me clean. She is constantly talking about "messes" and describes things as messy. She's talking more every day, and starting to put words together. Yesterday she was throwing shoes around and yelling "messy shoes!" Two of her favorite things: messes and shoes! Benjamin blames me for the shoe love. I'll blame him for the messes. :)
Another good find at the Carter's outlet was her Melissa and Doug cookie set. It keeps her occupied while I make dinner, and it's the last thing she wanted to play with before going to bed last night:
And the first thing she did this morning:
Sorry for the blurry pics- I took them all with my phone, which doesn't do so well with sunshine. I guess my phone also takes after me. :)

So that's what we're up to...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

19 month birthday

Saturday, Lily enjoyed a local delicacy, the hot turkey sandwich, for lunch:

That afternoon we went for a little jungle hike:

right next to the reasonably-well-manicured lawn of our neighbors':

Then we watered some plants:

Though mostly she watered the grass and I refilled her watering can:

And tonight, she decided that she wanted to try the big kid swing:

(and swung happily for about half an hour.)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Aunt Elizabeth is visiting! :)
Lily has started calling her EE and it is super cute!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bunny Fun

Tonight we made an impromptu trip to Nana's house. Ian has an extremely impressive garden going, so we had a quick tour of that. And then we got to meet his bunnies. Ian tried to let Lily hold the newest addition, Johnny, but she was either terrified or uninterested.
And here we have Mr. Snookums on the left, and Drater on the right:Ian said the people at Tractor Supply that sold him the bunnies promised they were all males. Turns out that Drater is most likely pregnant and Mr. Snookums is going to be a daddy soon.
And I think the bunny habitat is more landscaped than our yard, what with the little pond and everything. But I look at that last picture and I think "wow, my family probably comes across as a bunch of freaks." I just asked Benjamin if we seem like a bunch of crazy redneck hippies. He said we're crazy and we're hippies but we're not rednecks. So that's good at least, right?

Nana spoiled Lily by making a dinner of lots of her favorite foods- salmon cakes, potatoes, baked corn, and green beans. Lily fell asleep in the car on the way home, and when she wakes up tomorrow morning Aunt Elizabeth will be here. Yay! :)