Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bunny Fun

Tonight we made an impromptu trip to Nana's house. Ian has an extremely impressive garden going, so we had a quick tour of that. And then we got to meet his bunnies. Ian tried to let Lily hold the newest addition, Johnny, but she was either terrified or uninterested.
And here we have Mr. Snookums on the left, and Drater on the right:Ian said the people at Tractor Supply that sold him the bunnies promised they were all males. Turns out that Drater is most likely pregnant and Mr. Snookums is going to be a daddy soon.
And I think the bunny habitat is more landscaped than our yard, what with the little pond and everything. But I look at that last picture and I think "wow, my family probably comes across as a bunch of freaks." I just asked Benjamin if we seem like a bunch of crazy redneck hippies. He said we're crazy and we're hippies but we're not rednecks. So that's good at least, right?

Nana spoiled Lily by making a dinner of lots of her favorite foods- salmon cakes, potatoes, baked corn, and green beans. Lily fell asleep in the car on the way home, and when she wakes up tomorrow morning Aunt Elizabeth will be here. Yay! :)


  1. Isn't "redneck hippie" a contradiction in terms? When Em and I got our bunnies back in the day the pet store people told us they were both female. And we continued to think they were both female until we came home from vacation and found poor squashed baby bunnies. And Lucy became Lucifer.

  2. Love the bunnies! Bunnies are great! For the record it can be VERY hard to tell male from female bunnies, even more so when they are little. Pet stores are wrong a *lot* too.

  3. You just can't trust those people at Tractor Supply! Love that bunny enclosure...and the barefoot hippie (far from redneck!) kids tending to it. :-)

  4. We had a similar story to the bunny episode with hamsters in Swaziland. Dozens of hamsters later ....
