Tuesday, June 8, 2010

19 month birthday

Saturday, Lily enjoyed a local delicacy, the hot turkey sandwich, for lunch:

That afternoon we went for a little jungle hike:

right next to the reasonably-well-manicured lawn of our neighbors':

Then we watered some plants:

Though mostly she watered the grass and I refilled her watering can:

And tonight, she decided that she wanted to try the big kid swing:

(and swung happily for about half an hour.)

1 comment:

  1. I could be mistaken, but I do believe Lily is growing up, and definitely out of the baby stage. When can I teach her to drive? It just occurred to me that Benjamin needed some driving lessons at about age 2 or 3; he had a little solo driving episode in the suburbs of Manzini circa 1980. She's so cute!!!
