Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Day

Disclaimer: Lily did not sit in the snow all day, I promise. The above pictures were taken this morning before we had much on the ground. The following pictures were taken this afternoon while the neighbor boys were outside playing (she was squealing watching them out the window, so Benjamin insisted on taking her out to play):But I did gasp a little when I saw this picture (Benjamin took these):Poor little cold exposed neck! :(

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Some quick pics of what's been going on around here:
Some Christmas decoration failures and frustrations. Lily is starting to take some steps. She is surprisingly cautious and deliberate so she's not really just taking off, more like slowly and carefully taking little steps and then freaking out and wanting to be held because she's not sure what's going on. Ah, changes...Don't let the picture fool you (because she really looks like a walking girl!), she mostly just stands there, maybe takes one step, and then either gets down and crawls away as fast as she can or clings to my legs until I pick her up.
And I've been busy, busy, busy with more projects than I can handle right now. Here is a sweater vest for a friend's 4 1/2 year old daughter (i.e. huge and making me arthritic):
This is my first time knitting a cable pattern though so that part is fun. :) And some baby shoes! I've started making slippers out of old wool sweaters. I finished these the other day and they are super thick and squishy soft, with a nice black suede bottom:
And I may have made a little red pair for a certain someone:
Stay tuned for snow pics! We're in the middle of a mini-blizzard right now so once it settles down a bit we'll probably take Lily out for her first big snow experience.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Party 2009

Last night was the annual Clair Christmas party. I get nervous every year about what to wear, how to socialize, etc, but this year I was nervous about leaving Lily too.Fortunately the wonderful kjk took Lily in for the evening and Benjamin and I were able to spend a couple hours at the party where I compulsively checked my phone for Lily updates, but still not as often as I thought I would.

This year's party was held at the new building. Some scrims, discoballs, and awesome lighting made the warehouse quite rockin and festive:

Benjamin was mostly excited that they had sushi this year. Dave gave Kurt, Benjamin and I a tour of the new building. The highlight is definitely the conference room, complete with artwork projected onto the (textured) wall, lots of comfy lounge seating, awesome lighting, and some fancy high-dollar boxes in the floor that Benjamin would need to describe for you because I would just call them "outlets". Ha!
Anyway, none of the pictures quite do it justice because they were taken with our phones, but an update's an update, right? :) And Peanut played with Kelly, Joe, and Mama K all evening until she was absolutely wiped out. She was so zonked out on the car ride home that her sleepy face almost looked newborn to me again.
Sleepy Peanut...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wiggle Worm

Your gem of the day: Lily reading. :) Watch for excited wiggles...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

After dinner we decided to run out and get our Christmas tree. Lily loved every minute of it. I remembered to bring the camera but the batteries were dead, so no pictures there. We came home and did our best to decorate while Lily did her best to un-decorate (new word?)...I tried to hang some Lily-safe ornaments at the bottom of the tree. And thank you Gogo and Grandpa for the adorable nativity set. Baby Jesus had already gone missing for a few days and I was starting to get nervous. Fortunately I found him tonight in a drawer while Benjamin was giving Lily a bath. And I always appreciate an oppurtunity to yell "I found Jesus!"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gogo and Grandpa came for a visit. Lily loved the constant attention. :)

I'm sorry I've been slow with the updates, but things have been rough here lately. Lily has been waking almost every night and refusing to go back to sleep. I feel like we've tried everything. Tuesday night she was up from 2-5 AM. Last night she woke at 1:45, went back to sleep, woke at 2:45 and did not go back down until 4:15. I had a nearly two week headache that was (I hope) finally fixed by the chiropractor yesterday. I am behind on sewing projects also. So please pray that Lily sleeps and stay tuned for updates. :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

This is how she lives

Nothing too exciting to see here, but here's Lily moving from one activity to the next, with a lot of stair-climbing in the middle:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Some days are just a complete waste. It is after 4 and Lily has not napped yet today. I haven't gotten any work done, the house is a wreck, and soon I'll have to make some attempt at making dinner. We actually have far too many days like this. So that is why I don't post much. Lily is a sweet and wonderful blessing, but the girl does not sleep! Mama needs a break.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Stats

Lily had her 1 year well-baby visit this morning. She weighs 22 lbs 12 oz and is 31 1/2 inches. So she's still holding steady at 75th percentile for weight and is 95th for height. The doctor said she has seen similarly crazy teeth before, so no need to worry there. :) She put up a spectacular fight while getting her shots. It was a lot of red-faced yelling and kicking the poor doctor in the gut. And she pulled out the old alligator deathroll trying to get away from the needles, so I had to practically lay on top of her whole torso to hold her down. It was intense. So by 10:30 AM Lily and I were both sweaty and stressed out and ready for the day to be over. But it's not, so I'm going to go try to get some work done.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Play Date

Lily's friend Owen came over to play yesterday. :)

Owen loves Lily's toys, and Lily really loves Owen.
She treats him a lot like she treats our cats. Meaning she gets so excited around him that she just kind of wiggles and squeals, and then tries to tackle him. Having him in the walker helped because she wasn't able to bop him on the head like she sometimes does.
But there was an awful lot of mouth-touching going on.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lily's First Birthday Party

Nana and Zoe came early to help get ready for the big party. We cleaned the house and Nana took Lily outside to rake while I baked the cake.
Thank you Aunt Elizabeth for the awesome cake pan. :) We chopped and cooked and I iced the cake while Lily napped in the afternoon. Unfortunately this is the best picture we got of the final cake:
I had made the tablecloth with fabric Lily picked out at Joann's. :) Benjamin and Zoe picked up the balloons and decorated during naptime. When Lily woke I put on her party dress and brought her downstairs to this:
She was in awe. :) About 20 people came for the party. We had delicious Indonesian food (chicken satay, yellow rice, etc) courtesy of Nana. The cake was a banana cake with buttercream icing. Lily cried when we sang happy birthday to her. Otherwise she had a fabulous time.

She got lots of new toys. She was great at opening her presents herself, though Maya insisted on unwrapping most of them. Here she is eyeing up some delicious cardboard:
And Chuck the Talking Tonka Truck was a big hit. Thank you again, Aunt Elizabeth!
The other little girls got worn out and had to go home (crying), but Lily just kept playing. Grandpa and Gogo sent lots of books that Lily has been enjoying.
Eventually Lily got tired too.
And then suddenly had a second wind and wanted to play with the trash:
And this is an awful picture but it's a good sign of what's to come...
I had some dishes fall out of the kitchen cupboard and make a racket, so Benjamin ran to my rescue. Unfortunately in the less than one minute she was unsupervised, Lily managed to pull the little chair out from this table and climb up:
So I walked into the dining room to find her on the little table, waited for Benjamin to snap the picture, and immediately took the wild child up to bed. And then I'm such a sap that I had tears in my eyes as I rocked her to sleep because I can't believe that my baby is one. It was a wonderful day and she was sweet and happy and made just the right amount of trouble. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Lily!

It's going to take me some time to sort through the pictures from tonight's party, but I will try to post them tomorrow.

I didn't want to let the day end though without saying how overwhelmed I feel by Lily turning one. We are so blessed. She is an amazing little girl and such fun to have around. She still doesn't sleep through the night, still sometimes hates riding in the car, and keeps us on our toes every second, but I cannot imagine life without her. So happy birthday baby girl. We love you more than you will ever know. :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What do you do when the food is too hot?

Lily learned tonight, sort of. And if you turn the volume WAY up, and listen to it a few times, you might even hear her blowing on the food as she puts it in her mouth. (right after Jelly leaps over the baby gate.)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Getting a jump on the troublemaking

She had woken up only a few minutes before, in her usual fashion:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ah, Memories...

That was me on November 1 last year. Lily was due November 2. Please forgive the sad face (those were dark days!)