Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finally, the Egg Hunt Post

I didn't get many pictures, because I was so awfully busy the whole day, but here are our egg hunt day photos:
Mom showed up to help hide eggs right before everyone showed up. This seems like the millionth time she's put Lily in a laundry basket but I think it's really only the 3rd. Lily never seems to mind.

We painted about 3 dozen eggs, and then the girls hunted for about 150 eggs all over the yard. Here is excited Meg:
I think this one is Dad helping Maya and Zinnia find some eggs. Please excuse the diaper laundry...
And somehow the camera lens ended up totally smudged so my pictures of Lily's little basket egg hunt she had after everyone left turned out really smudgy. Anyway, here she is in her egg pit:
And yes, that's a butter box sitting on the floor. She played with that thing almost all day. I'm not sure why she loved it, other than the red on it. The girl still loves red.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 5 months old to Lily today!! Looks like a wonderful Easter Egg hunt!! :)

    It is such a kid thing to not play with the toy, but the build or play with the box the toy came in!! Ha.

