Saturday, February 6, 2010

Yes, It Snowed

I'm pretty sure anyone who reads this will already know we got some snow this weekend. :) Anyway, we were lucky and didn't lose power, were not among the people stranded on the turnpike eating MREs distributed by the National Guard, and do not have to worry about having our cars plowed in because we live on a great big hill. But then again, we live on a great big hill. So when other people get snowed in, we really and truly get snowed in. This morning we opened the kitchen door to find this:Not too bad unless you consider that the kitchen door opens to our carport, where my car was parked, under a gigantic pile of snow (you can see the front end of it here):

And here you see Benjamin taking some measurements:
He shoveled for a while and I kept checking on him to see if he was ok and he just kept saying "this is a lot of snow." So I took a turn shoveling while he bundled Lily up to play outside:
She was not impressed. She really just stood there overwhelmed and confused. I can't blame her. I think we all felt the same way. :) Anyway, here's a more cheerful face:
But again, stationary feet. So I offered her a hand:
But really she just wanted to go back inside, so Benjamin watched her while I shoveled for a while.
I barely shoveled anything before I felt like I was going to die. Benjamin was impressed, though. He kept saying "Mama's got a strong back!" as if I'm from good farm stock. No, I just grew up shoveling this very hill. :) Anyway, Benjamin shoveled more than he probably ever thought he would shovel in his life today, and we would still be shoveling tomorrow if it weren't for the neighbors taking pity on us and helping with their snowblowers. Benjamin's car is probably completely buried at the bottom of the hill. We may or may not venture out tomorrow. I'm still too nervous to drive down but we'll see.

Lily has her 15 month well-baby visit on Monday morning so stay tuned for some stats from that. I can't wait to see how tall she is now. I guess I could get Benjamin to measure her, but I'm sure that would involve several systems and using calipers and I don't think she'd cooperate with that.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...looks like you guys maybe got 2 or 3 more inches than we did in Manhole. It seems like the snow amounts were kind of random...I saw that we got 22, but other places close by had anywhere from 15-26. Anyway, I guess we need to get ready for more now on Tuesday? I do like a good snow day, but this is insane. Shoveling my car out every other day is not my idea of a good time. Stay warm and dry!
