Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A new blog!

This is what Lily is doing now. She LOVES her Boppy! Look at that smile...

Last night we took a bath in the big tub. She doesn't look like it in this picture, but she loved the floating and kicking around. Notice how she holds her feet out of the water? She does that. :)

This is one of the very few times she's been in her swing without screaming, so I thought I'd include it. She likes the vibrating feature, but not so much the swinging.

Here is Daddy's first bottle feeding. I think right after I took this she started crying. :)

Lisa gave us a "Happiest Baby on the Block" DVD and it's been a huge help with her sleeping more and fussing less. Benjamin especially loves the swaddling technique he learned. Here she is wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying on an ottoman.

And sleeping peacefully on Daddy.

I just like this one. :) It does show how big she's getting...

and this one really shows how big she is.

Here is proof that dinner still either happens in shifts or Mommy tries to multitask. Oh, and Benj and I both finally got haircuts. :)


  1. Her hair isn't starting to come in blond, is it? :-) You're going to have a tall, Scandinavian-looking child...I can see it now.

    Also, I just wanted to publicly giggle about the AC/DC hat you're eating dinner with in that last picture.

  2. I'm an old friend of Grand mom. I'm in North Carolina.
    My favorite picture is that child wrapped in receiving blanket in front of the Christmas tree.
    What a wonderful gift. Oh big they grow, so fast, so very fast.
    Oh yes, I love the hair cut as well.

    Joanne Harber
    A/P LabCorp
