Sunday, December 28, 2008

One More Christmas Party

Yesterday afternoon we dressed Lily in her ridiculous Santa outfit and drove to Oxford for the big family Christmas celebration at Nana's house. We arrived around 4:30 and Benjamin spent some time playing Go with Ian while I tried to settle a fussy baby.

Eventually I got her to spend some time relaxing on her Boppy on the floor while staring at the ceiling fan and her fists. Yay!

After a few minutes cousin Meg decided to join in, which was cute for a while but soon ended the relaxation.

Uncle Lark finally got to spend some quality time with Lily and it turns out he may just be her favorite person yet. My mom said we may have just found our babysitter...

because seventeen people opening gifts is crazy and loud, but Peanut slept through it all. :)

The evening ended with a debate over whether we should spend the night because the fog was so thick it wasn't really safe to travel. We decided we'd be better off driving home at 15 mph than trying to spend the night there with the baby. There were some awfully scary stretches of road where we could only see about two car lengths ahead of us, but we made it home safely.

1 comment:

  1. Lily is so adorable in her red Christmas Santa outfit. The Strautins think she is looking more and more like Benjamin. What do you think?

    Sending hugs! And Kisses!!

