Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bumbo, Boo-boo, and Blankie

So Lily made out like a bandit this Valentine's Day. We ended up getting her this Bumbo seat (awesomely discounted at Target because the box it was in was very torn), and she looks awesome in it! It's hard to describe her typical behavior, but it's basically just that she's always trying to do more with her body than what she actually can. So putting her in something that helps her sit when she's still small was perfectly hilarious. :)
*Sidenote* The above picture really shows her strawberry hemangioma. I don't think I've mentioned it before, though. Anyway, yes it has grown a bit and is really pretty prominent. I did talk to her doctor about it at her 2 month visit and the doctor confirmed that it's a strawberry hemangioma and that it will "get worse before it gets better" but should be gone by about 18 months of age. Worst case scenario: it doesn't go away and she ends up looking like an old Russian man. Kinda cute and funny, I think. :) Some babies get them near their eyes or mouth and I think if that were the case for Lily I'd be a little sad about it. But I've come to think hers is a little bit cute. It's just sad when people (especially kids) ask what the "boo-boo" is. >:(

Anyway, I also (finally) finished her blankie:

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blankie!! Well done mom.

    Telling people about the strawberry hemangioma can be used as a teaching moment. People are curious even when something is "normal". Thanks for giving us bloggers the inside scoop.

