Friday, February 6, 2009

A Little Bit of Everything

Oh man, sorry again for the lack of updates. This time I kind of know what's kept us busy. Josh has been working on painting our entry/stairway/upstairs hall this week. We're painting it the same "Lotus Flower" light yellow that we have in the living room. Partly because I like the color, and partly because we had about 3 gallons of it leftover in the basement. Also. I have a million little projects started that have kept me away from the computer. I'm making a diaper bag in a really great Alexander Henry print that I hope to finish this weekend. Yesterday at Joann's I picked up a great vintage felt baby booties pattern, so that will be next. Only I'm also working on (finally) making a blankie for Lily. I've made Meg at least 4 blankies, and have been told I should/could make them to sell, but it is so much harder making one for my own baby for some reason. I thought Lily would be a pink and pastel girly, but I'm having some serious doubts about that. So I started a purple, yellow, and green blankie for her that just still didn't seem right. So I think I've finally figured it out and I'll be making her a red, white, and black blankie instead. Yeah, she's funky like that. :)

And now for some pictures...

Here's a pretty good picture of what we wake up to every morning:

Somehow she ended up looking kind of tiny compared to her cradle, which is definitely not the case. My mom said Zoe slept in the cradle until she was 6 months old. I seriously doubt Lily will fit in it that long.

Today is Friday, so we went to market for lunch with Anna. Lily wore the knit hat that Dayna made her before she was born. It fits perfectly now and is just so cute on her. :)
Also, please note the face. She loves her carseat when she's already sleeping, but not so much when she's awake. Taking her for drives is not an option for calming this baby.

And this was her when I sat down to write this:
Since then she's done a good amount of fussing and is now falling asleep in my left arm as I type with my right.

Also- random side-note: my hair is falling out in clumps. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your hair! Isn't that somewhat normal after pregnancy though?
    Lily is cute as ever! :-) I like the yellow roses on her outfit.
