Friday, February 13, 2009

Peaceful Friday

What you see here is AWESOME. :) Lily just spent some time laying on the bed, staring at her hands, sucking on her paci, playing with a blanket, and then fell asleep. I know other mothers will think that they can understand how happy and relaxed this makes me, but I doubt it. This is really not an easy baby. She's awesome, but not easy. This is the first time she has ever really fallen asleep without being held. It's kind of freaking me out. Last night she slept from 10 pm to 5:15 am, then went back to sleep until 7. Again, never happens. And I'd like to think it's because she's getting older and just generally better at soothing herself, but I don't think so. Yesterday she barely napped at all (maybe 3 short catnaps), leaving me feeling insane and miserable by the time Benjamin finally got home. Then last night I tried to go grocery shopping around 8 and apparently she started screaming soon after I left and didn't stop until she fell asleep (still wimpering and crying a little in her sleep) a few minutes before I got home. I was only gone 40 minutes! And I had fed her right before I left! Ugh. Anyway, I think in the end it was harder on Benjamin than it was on her. But I've found that the really awful days are usually followed by relatively calm and peaceful nights and/or days, so I am just thankful that today is a peaceful day. :)

1 comment:

  1. God gave you a gift today ... rejoice and be glad!! :) I am rejoicing that you are having a peace-filled day. Maybe it is His Valentine to you! Hugs.

