Sunday, March 8, 2009

Four Month Old Gooney Bird

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been working on this in my little bits of free time:
Pants for Lily. :) I hope they're not a total disaster when they're finished. But so far not bad for my first real knitting project, I think.

Anyway, on to the important stuff! Lily is four months old today. She is doing new cute and funny and bizarre things every day. She's gone pretty wild with the jungle bird screaming in public recently and it's a little embarrassing (but mostly hilarious). She discovered her feet this past week- adorable! I'm pretty sure they're her new favorite toy. It's always been hard to keep socks on her; now it's just impossible.

And the following video definitely requires a disclaimer: if you don't want to hear me burping, don't watch.

Anyway, we discovered this afternoon that Lily thinks my burps are funny. This turned into a great way to record her laugh for everyone else to hear. Sorry. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, that laugh is hilarious and adorable (I watched the video four times in a row). And how big is Lily getting?! I really need to come see her before she's taller than me.
