Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Can't Keep Up!

Again, sorry I haven't been posting. Benjamin has been sick with some kind of awful cold thing and yet continues to deny that he's sick. I'm supposed to be doing a design job for my Aunt Nancy, who asked me for help in redecorating her living room and now seems to not actually want to change anything in her living room. So not much progress there, either. In other struggles, Lily has been sleeping terribly at night. Like spending ~2:30-3:30 kicking and yelling, then spending the rest of the night/morning half-sleeping and tossing about. And by the rest of the night/morning I mean until the usual 4:30 or 5 am time that she has us up for the day. She still isn't really rolling over on her own, but she sure does scoot around a lot. She managed to get herself sideways in her pack and play the other night:
Note the screaming face and the lack of socks. I've said it before: this baby is fierce.

Yesterday we went to my mom's house for another family birthday party. My grandfather turns 85 this week and Willow turned 12 yesterday (pi day!). That was my second trip to Oxford this week, as Peanut and I spent Thursday with my mom, who had just gotten back from her Egypt/Jordan trip on Wednesday. We went to visit Lindy at her new job at Sandy Cove, where we'll all be headed for a family retreat later this month. On the way back from Sandy Cove we stopped at an antique store where I found an old-school Fisher Price boat and Little People to go with it. I'll try to get some pics later. This was one of my absolute favorite toys when I was a kid, so finding one to have for Lily when she's older is great fun. You know the boat: it has a deck, a captain's chair, lifevests, a diving board, a little lifeboat that comes off of the main boat and can float around in the water... GREAT TOY! I found a pic online here. I was so excited about this find (only $5! New Little People sets cost $30 and they're junk!) that I told Benjamin about it on my drive home. He didn't understand my excitement until I got home and showed him and he said "Oh, that thing! I loved that toy!" Ah, childhood in the 80s... :)


  1. It goes back to the '70s. They also had an airplane, airport, farm and schoolhouse. The farm set it coming back to celebrate FPs anniversary (read it in the American Baby mag).

  2. I saw an original farm set at a thrift store the other day for $2.50. I should have bought it, but then again, we really don't need any more toys...
