Thursday, July 23, 2009

Here You Go

Have I mentioned that Lily really loves Uncle Ian?

And now what you've all been waiting for-

Lily crawling. :) Watch the video. Then watch it again and watch her face. The huge smile with the bright eyes near the beginning is when she sees me. Then I dangled some toys to try to get her to crawl to me. When I dangled her paci she put her hand to her mouth. When I dangled her giraffe she immediately started crawling.

Let me know if you want me to post the videos of her crawling to the camera and nearly destroying it. :)

No New Pictures Yet

I'll try to update with some pics soon. I'll have to stage some kind of Lily photo shoot because otherwise I might end up just having to post pictures of nasty diapers, etc. :)

It's pouring rain outside and I love it. I should be cleaning or sewing but I decided to try to relax instead. Lily is napping. We were up and at 'em this morning to get to her appointment by 9 (sometimes I wonder why I chose a pediatrician on the other side of town). Anyway, here's the verdict, for now: chronic diarrhea of infancy. Sounds about as fun and fabulous as it feels, I think. She had gained 6 ounces since she was there last (Wednesday, I think?), so that was good. They think she may have picked up some kind of virus, not kicked it very fast, and now is having ongoing diarrhea and gut issues that will most likely last a total of 6 weeks or so. When the doctor said 6 weeks I wanted to just plop down in a chair and cry. I am tired of having to wonder at 3 AM whether I should just give the poor baby a bath because she's had such a blowout in her pajamas. :( And seeing her so uncomfortable is just heartbreaking. So, I'm supposed to keep breastfeeding as usual but rather than sticking to her occassional bananas and rice cereal for solids I'm supposed to feed her more solids, especially proteins. This frustrates me to no end because she's just not digesting any solids I do try to feed her (except the bananas and cereal have been ok). I tried to feed her some sweet potatoes yesterday and they just went right through her. Gross, I know... Oh well.

Anyway, she really is doing well apart from all poop issues, so I will try to get some pics and/or video of the adorable, mobile Lily soon. :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If you don't have anything nice to say...

I have a video of Lily crawling I've been waiting for Benjamin to edit a bit so I can post it here for everyone.

In other news- I have tendinitis in my left wrist and now wear a lovely flesh-toned orthopedic support brace. As if I weren't frumpy enough already...

Lily is still sick and we have another appointment to see the doctor tomorrow morning. It's been 12 days now. I am exhausted and could write lots of things about how she needs to nap but refuses, I'm not getting any sleep at night, the house is a wreck, etc. But nevermind. :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh boy...

And in case things weren't crazy enough around here...
Ian is moving in.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


We had a rough night last night, which followed our rough day yesterday. I took Lily to the doctor yesterday afternoon. They suspect a virus and said if she's not better by Saturday to call then and they'll do a stool sample. She threw up a bit around 4 AM, was up until after 5, then fell asleep in our bed for a while.
She always wakes bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I wish I could...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And NOW She Crawls

Lily crawled today! It is both awesome and frightening.

Tonight we ate dinner outside:
Please forgive Anna's face. Something about the lime I put in the iced tea made us keep wanting to stick our tongues out. :)

The goal for tomorrow will be to get a video or at least some action shots of the crawling. Stay tuned!

100th Post: Having a Poopy Time

I was going to try to make my 100th post here something significant, but that's not happening. Lily has been sick since since Friday, and it's been pretty miserable since Saturday. She's ok, just lots and lots of very nasty diapers. We were at my mom's house for Ian's graduation party on Saturday and Benjamin had to run out and buy a pack of disposables because we were quickly running out of diapers. Her poor little butt is bright red and sore. :(

Anyhoo, the highlight of her day yesterday (and quickly turning into the highlight of her week every week) was Monday night skate church. Lily loves being outside, she loves big groups of people, she loves boys, and she loves a lot of movement. So what could be better than a big group of boys on wheels? Sitting with Aunt Anna while Uncle Josh and Uncle Ian skate among the boys, that's what. :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Sorry for the lack of diaper in the photo above. I was trying to capture an event: Lily finally sitting up on her own. It just happened to be in the middle of a diaper change. Go figure, eh? Anyway, we've been doing naps in her crib (which has involved some crying-it-out). Last night she spent the first half of the night in her crib also. She woke around 1:30, nursed, and then slept until around 6. That's considered an awesome night's sleep around here. :) She's started some babbling as well. So here is a very poor quality (if anyone has seen our video camera please let me know!) video of her this morning, just after she'd eaten her delicious big girl breakfast of sweet potato puffs and banana chunks:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I Am Not On Vacation

Lily is trying to learn how to crawl. Most of her waking moments are spent writhing around on the floor growling and whining. She's often tired but refuses to nap without a massive battle beforehand. So I'm putting all of my effort into staying sane, not taking photos and blogging. Thanks for understanding. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Third of July

Benjamin had the day off today, and he let me sleep in this morning so it felt like a day off for me too. :) We went to the Chick-fil-A in Shrewsbury, then to the ranch to see Zoe. Unfortunately Zoe was busy and we left not long after arriving. Benjamin was feeling pretty heartbroken over Zoe suddenly being a busy teenager. We stopped at Joann's on the way home and got some things I need for some bedding I'm working on. We came home, and soon after Ian and Anna showed up. Ian and Anna got in some kind of discussion about Ian not having any money. I told Ian I'd pay him $10 if he got rid of the giant groundhog that lives under our shed and thinks he owns our yard. Ian then spent about two hours trying to get the groundhog. He wanted to shoot it "with a 22 or something", but without a spare 22 on hand, he settled for trying to drop a cinder block on it. Anna picked some berries in the woods.
The above picture is clearly posed. Below you can see what I actually saw when I came out of the house to see what they were up to:
So I guess he never had an oppurtunity to actually try to drop the cinder block, because he then asked for some duct tape and permission to drill some holes in the shed. After discussing quantity and diameter of the holes, I gave him permission, and this is what he did:
The above trap involves a cut off spindle from the old stair rail, a wooden block, lots of duct tape, a wire clotheline, and I guess there must be two screws in there somewhere. And of course the cinder block. He thought the groundhog would trip the wire on the way out from under the shed and the block would fall. He got all excited when he looked out the kitchen window and saw that the block had fallen a little while later. Turns out the duct tape had just given out. So the groundhog lives on...

Anyway, here is Lily, dressed down for dinner, in her new Ikea high chair:
She likes sitting at the table with us, so not having a tray has been great fun for her. Here she is during dinner tonight:
We had chicken parmesan and she had some vegetable risotto with cheese. Oh, and banana puffs of course. Ian liked the banana puffs as well. There are a lot of things about the above picture that I love- like Benjamin's "Fleetwood Mac Local Crew" tshirt, Ian's face, holding the Puffs, and the way Lily is looking at Ian. She really loves him. Poor girl doesn't stand a chance of being normal.