Thursday, July 23, 2009

Here You Go

Have I mentioned that Lily really loves Uncle Ian?

And now what you've all been waiting for-

Lily crawling. :) Watch the video. Then watch it again and watch her face. The huge smile with the bright eyes near the beginning is when she sees me. Then I dangled some toys to try to get her to crawl to me. When I dangled her paci she put her hand to her mouth. When I dangled her giraffe she immediately started crawling.

Let me know if you want me to post the videos of her crawling to the camera and nearly destroying it. :)


  1. Her facial expressions are great! Thanks for sharing. I hope she gets better soon!

  2. Adorable! I love the very deliberate arm motions as she goes along. Lily just cracks me up.

    Sorry to you (and her) for all of the tummy troubles. Maybe you just need to start her on the cheese and potatoes awhile. Hahaha.

  3. Lily looks like she is taking care of Ian! :)

    As Swd Martha said of Benjamin when he started crawling, "now he is trouble!!"

