Tuesday, September 29, 2009


OK bad picture, but look carefully above and see some little teeth poking up from her bottom gum? She's working on some more now, on the top gum, and it is intense. I can't tell for sure but it looks like 4 coming in at once. One has broken through the gum and it isn't one of the front teeth it's the one on the left between the front tooth and canine. She isn't sleeping well, is chewing on everything, and enjoys cherry flavored infant Tylenol a little more than what I'm comfortable with, but overall she's being a trooper. :)
And I promise I wasn't torturing her to get that picture, though it certainly looks like it. I was tickling her and play wrestling her to get her to smile big enough to show some teeth, but even when she smiles I still have to hold up her top lip a bit to see anything. So there you go, our little chomper!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lily of the Day

This was stolen from Anna's facebook pictures from the pre-wedding shindig we had for Lindy and Steve last weekend. Riley is Anna's Blue Heeler puppy, who is already trained well enough to be completely trusted with Lily, who loves to grab her face and pull her ears. Lily still loves to chase our cats around the house but nothing makes her quite as happy as a puppy. :)

If you have access to Anna's albums on Facebook, be sure to check out the rest of the pictures from the party. There are some real gems of me and Benjamin showing everyone how to win a three legged race.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cuppy Cup

Thank you Gogo for the cozy fleece pajamas. :)

And just because it's a really funny face:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Uh Oh

Lily says "uh oh" now. I'll try to get a video at some point, but it's hard to cart the camera with me everywhere lately.

But in other uh oh news, we went to a party at my mom's house yesterday, where at one point I saw Lily put something in her mouth, so I immediately swooped down to swipe out her mouth. It was a grub. When I saw what I had on my finger I did a sort of jump and scream and flicked it at the couch where Lisa was sitting. We were a bunch of screaming ladies freaking out over a bug and Lily was just sitting on the floor whining because I had stolen her snack. Yuck!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Young and Old

Every Friday afternoon Anna and I have lunch together. I can't remember when it started but I think it was when I was pregnant. Usually we go to Kusty's Korner Kafe (you like all those K's? pretty klassy, eh?) which is really just a bunch of tables crammed together in the corner of Eastern Market (one of our local farmer's markets). When I say crammed together I mean really crammed. And the place is frequented by mostly elderly people. Not meek and feeble elderly people though, this place is dog-eat-dog. Trying to get a table is always a nightmare. Trying to get a table and room for a highchair is even harder. It's hard to describe the struggle, but let's just say every time we go we say to each other "why do we come here?!" I think the answer is the chicken and waffles, or hot turkey sandwich, or something (because Anna loves those). Anyway, we went to Kusty's today for lunch and we managed to get a table that was kind of in the middle of everything. Mostly in the middle of waitresses coming and going, but there were a few older ladies who passed by as well. One of these ladies hit Lily in the head with her purse. Lily didn't cry or fuss or even get scared, she just reached back and started patting the lady on the hip. I immediately reached over and pulled Lily's hand down gently and smiled and started to apologize to the woman, but was left speechless by the awful glare she was giving Lily. OK, what kind of person walks by a baby in a highchair carelessly enough to hit them in the head with their pocketbook, then has the nerve to glare at a baby simply for being friendly and affectionate? I was dumbfounded but Lily was fine and the lady passed by quickly enough so Anna and I just had a good laugh over it. Not long after, another older lady passed by and Lily sort of reached out and tried to grab at her. The lady had this terrified look on her face, but stopped and tried her best to be happy and friendly. It was sweet but sad. After she left Anna and I had another laugh about that. Then, our waitress came to give us our check. Most of the women that work there are middle-aged, etc, but they have a few that I'm pretty sure are local college girls. This was one of them. She was a really sweet and wonderful waitress, but was wearing shorts that were so short you couldn't see them underneath her apron (and it's about 60 degrees here today). Anyway, she's giving us our check, and Lily reaches out with hands covered in macaroni and cheese and rubs the waitress's thigh. I let out some kind of peep and reached out for Lily's hand and said "Oh my goodness my baby is rubbing your thigh!" to which the waitress said to Lily "oh yeah- you like that, huh?" Hilarious! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Whirlwind

We had another visit from Gogo and Grandpa. Lily kept them busy reading books and learning to climb stairs. :)
And of course my mom had to show up and make things crazy. Like putting earrings on poor Lily.

Since they left Lily and I have gotten back in the groove of napping and knitting. Today my new yarn swift and ball winder came in the mail. Yay! Benjamin had been winding my skeins/hanks of yarn into balls by hand for months now so he's thrilled to have a new machine slash toy to speed things up.
Unfortunately he kept trying to wind it as fast as he could and the spool kept flying off the winder. Oh, Benjamin...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Here Comes Trouble

Lily is taking steps pushing her baby stroller. And her activity table. And cardboard boxes. And anything that moves. :)

And here she is chewing on the babyproofing device she pulled off of the entertainment center. Oh my...
Check out those stylin' pants! :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Knit Knit

Lily was still pretty rashy yesterday. I'll update later and let everyone know if there's any improvement. Either way I'll try to post some good lily pics because it's been a while. In the meantime, here is what I accomplished during all of our time cooped up in the house recently:
I'm not a big fan of how the colorway knit up (a bit "loud" for my liking) but you'll have this I suppose. :)