Monday, September 21, 2009

Uh Oh

Lily says "uh oh" now. I'll try to get a video at some point, but it's hard to cart the camera with me everywhere lately.

But in other uh oh news, we went to a party at my mom's house yesterday, where at one point I saw Lily put something in her mouth, so I immediately swooped down to swipe out her mouth. It was a grub. When I saw what I had on my finger I did a sort of jump and scream and flicked it at the couch where Lisa was sitting. We were a bunch of screaming ladies freaking out over a bug and Lily was just sitting on the floor whining because I had stolen her snack. Yuck!


  1. Ugh...I think I vomited a little when I read about the grub. We've actually been having a grub problem up here at Casa Kleinfelter lately...they keep showing up on the garage floor as if they are teleporting inside somehow. They are the grossest things out there, I think...I am less afraid of spiders, stinkbugs, etc. than those nasty things!

  2. Some cultures feel grubs and worms are delicacies. :) Maybe Lily is a missionary in the making!

