Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today we had lunch with Aunt Anna and then went to a new park to play. I decided to call it "the recycle park" because the whole place seemed to be made out of "reclaimed" things (shredded tires instead of mulch) and I thought recycled sounded nicer than "dump park" or "trash park". Lily checking things out, in her St. Patty's Day duds:
It is very hard for a toddler to walk on shredded tires, by the way. She wasn't really a fan.
But she did like the slide:
Anna thought we should try to pose Lily like she had climbed a tree. It didn't go over well:
And she just kept waving at the camera instead of holding on. :)

In some of those pictures you can see the bruise on her forehead. On Sunday afternoon she slipped and hit her head on the edge of a bench. It left an immediate bruise, but it's starting to fade. I actually took her to the doctor yesterday to have her ears checked. Her balance has been off (hence the falling) and we've had far too many (entirely) sleepless nights lately, so I thought it could have been an infection. She was clearly on the mend from the cold she got last week, and her ears are fine. The doctor said to let her cry it out. Been there, tried that. Nothing works with this girl. :(

Lily also got to make friends with a little boy named Kallan yesterday. He is only 9 months old but much bigger than Owen, and I think Lily prefers him. :) They were playing really nicely together and I almost got a picture of it but just as I took the picture Lisa came in the door and distracted them:
So this was the best I could do:
(Check out the bruise!)


  1. The structure of "recycle park" looks something like that of my elementary school playground, but we had these big rubber mats under all the equipment instead of shredded tires...not sure I would like to walk on shredded tires myself even now. Probably would just bounce right back up if you fall, though, right? Poor Lily head...I think I was about her age when a hammer got dropped on my own head by my father. Bruises make the young head tougher. :-/

  2. She is dearer by far than the world's brightest star,
    And I call her my wild Irish Rose.

    My wild Irish Rose,
    The sweetest flow'r that grows!

  3. Mighty fine pictures of a wonderful little girl, and her caretaker, pal aunt.
