Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wherein Lily feeds sticks and rocks to the dog, and is shy of chickens

Lanie took Lily over to Anna's today to see the animals:

When we had eaten dinner we went out and Lily played with the neighbors' dog. If you listen carefully, you can hear her saying "rock". (she pronounces it as "guck".)

Almost May! Yay!

We have had some cold, nasty weather, but May is just around the corner and I could not be happier about that. My birthday, *real* spring weather, strawberries, the list goes on and on... And my Lily of the Valley are blooming! Transplanted from kjk's yard, even. :)

It's hard to post here about anything because (as I've said way too many times) it's difficult to wrangle Lily and take pictures at the same time. You may notice that a lot of the pictures I do post include Anna. That's because when Anna is with us she does the wrangling while I try to take pictures. Sometimes we both fail, though. :) Like today, Lily was roaming around the chicken (and now duck) house and this was the only picture I managed to get:
Anna was busy getting the chicks fresh water, while Lily was busy falling on her butt in a pile of straw and chicken poop. She didn't mind, though. And then we said goodbye to the piglets who are all going to new homes tomorrow. And Jehu the giant horse could not get enough of Lily. :)
So unfortunately all of my posts for the last I don't even know how long have been about the farm. But that's pretty much all we do. Lily has an intense love of animals. There will be a new batch of piglets any day now, and another litter of kittens. It is definitely spring. :)

I have also been busy listing some of my fabric for sale on ebay and elsewhere. Hopefully raising some money to pay some battery-swallowing bills or something. I still have an obscene amount of fabric, and no time to sew. Though I did agree to make this bag for a friend:

So if it turns out alright I may post pics. We'll see. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

A smattering of splattering

The other night, Lily had her first Friendly's Cone Head™.

She just sort of tore into it and made a big mess, so there's no narrative here:

P.S. actually posted by Benjamin.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy Girls

This morning we went over to Aunt Lisa's house to hang out with Meg while Lisa went to an appointment. Meg kept telling me she could do all sorts of big girl things because she was wearing her big sister Maya's shoes. I guess I can sort of understand where she's coming from with that, though in reality wearing shoes that were at least 3 sizes too big for her seemed to make everything harder.

Then we came home so Lily could nap. That only lasted an hour (not long enough) so we went over to Aunt Anna's to kill some time. They got some new ducklings last night! They're now living in the chicken house with the baby chicks, but I didn't get any pictures. Though I should really just try to get a video of Lily quacking because she's so good at it. :)

Some other newcomers to the farm- kittens!
They're living in the middle of some hay bales up in the loft of the barn. Still so tiny and cute!
Lily liked them and meowed at them a lot, but mostly wanted to play with the mama cat.
Now I've got to go make dinner and try to remain sane while Lily freaks out because she didn't nap enough and I can't very well make dinner and take her outside at the same time. But at least I gave you all an update, eh?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

17 Months

I fully realize that it's sad and absurd that this is (at this age) a big deal, but Lily slept through the night last night. 11 hours! And the most amazing part is what a sweet and wonderful girl she is when well-rested. After days and days of constant tantrums and fits I barely recognize her this morning. :)
Also, she pooped in the potty on Saturday. And last night before her bath she peed in the potty. Amazing! Though I don't think we'll be doing any real potty-training until she's actually able to communicate better.

Stay tuned for a pic overload coming soon. We've got some good ice cream face photos and a video of her with the chicks at Anna's. I just have to find a good chunk of free time and/or some help from Benjamin (both in short supply on weekdays.) ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We had a busy Easter! Gogo and Grandpa and Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Wesley came to visit. Benjamin put a few pictures on Facebook, but unfortunately we didn't get many pictures of everyone. I guess we all have a tendency to focus on Lily. :) Here she is playing outside in her Easter duds:

Last night Uncle Josh brought some baby chicks home from an auction. So this morning Lily got to have her first experience with the little cheepers.
At first she was a little timid, but eventually she got excited. :)
Aunt Anna tried to help her hold one, but she mostly just wanted to bop them on the heads. And kiss them. :)