Thursday, April 15, 2010

17 Months

I fully realize that it's sad and absurd that this is (at this age) a big deal, but Lily slept through the night last night. 11 hours! And the most amazing part is what a sweet and wonderful girl she is when well-rested. After days and days of constant tantrums and fits I barely recognize her this morning. :)
Also, she pooped in the potty on Saturday. And last night before her bath she peed in the potty. Amazing! Though I don't think we'll be doing any real potty-training until she's actually able to communicate better.

Stay tuned for a pic overload coming soon. We've got some good ice cream face photos and a video of her with the chicks at Anna's. I just have to find a good chunk of free time and/or some help from Benjamin (both in short supply on weekdays.) ;)


  1. Certainly Lily deserves a reward or two for all these accomplishments. How about dinner out at Chuck E. Cheese? Then there's the matter of a reward for the patient Mama, ... hmm ... I'm thinking ... Any suggestions??

  2. I have a stair railing now. What more could I ask for? :) Though a new clothesline is next on the list of projects, I think...

  3. What an adorable, smiley Lily you've got there! Maybe she'll realize that sleeping for 11 hours is wonderful and fantastic, and do that every night now. Also, you have a railing?! I must come over and admire that soon. :-)

  4. Love hearing ALL about Lily ... and life in PA. Would love to see a photo of the railing as well. So glad that project is complete. Hope the clothesline is up as well. These are nice days for hanging clothes on the line! :)

    Hugs to you all ... miss you!

