Saturday, August 29, 2009

At Least We're Dry

So we've been a bunch of sickies. My local readers (which are probably only Anna and Kelly) will know that we've had crazy rainy weather. It was an absolute downpour yesterday evening. We lost power around 1:45. I woke to the sound of the baby monitor beeping because it had lost its signal. Lily woke soon after so I fumbled around in the dark (our house is pitch black at night unless there are either nightlights or a full moon) in her room while Benjamin used his blackberry to try to report the outage on the power company's website, which was (go figure) down for site maintenance. He called and got a recording saying they were aware of the problem and would have it fixed by 3:30 AM. At 3:30 AM Lily woke again, I stumbled to her room, fed her, rocked her, put her back down, came to bed wondering whether we'd ever have power again and what was happening to the milk in the fridge, etc. Lily woke again at 6:30 and I fed her, rocked her, and the power came back on. Hearing the buzz of the AC and seeing her nightlight flick on was glorious. :) Anyway I'm ashamed of myself for being so power-addicted but Benjamin can tell you how nightlight reliant I have become since Lily was born. :) I am not a "morning person", so as you can imagine being a "must-be-fully-functional-at-any-hour-of-the-night-despite-nearly-18-months-of-sleep-deprivation person" is difficult, so I would like to at least be able to see what I'm doing. And it was uncomfortably silent. Usually the locusts and critters outside are so loud we might as well live next to a highway, but I guess the rain chased them all into hiding. Anyhoo, we now have power, Lily's fever seems down but the spots are worse, I've been at about the same level of sickness for 3-4 days now, but it is Saturday so Benjamin is here to help and that is wonderful. :) Also, it could all definitely be worse. A very nice young couple living at the ranch had their house submerged in over 4 feet of water last night. :( The ranch had such bad flooding that a river basically ran through the kitchen and dining hall. I don't know if this link will work for anyone, but here are photos.

1 comment:

  1. That was some crazy rain on Friday and yesterday, eh? You all must have had it worse on your side of the Susquehanna, though; we never lost power here.

    Anyway, sorry to hear about the ranch...and your continued infirmity. When you and Lily feel well enough for visitors, I really want to come by soon. I was just randomly granted more vacation days, so I could make a mid-week visit...though Joe has been asking about visiting, too. :-) Let's make plans soon...time just gets away!
