Friday, August 28, 2009


Yesterday morning Lily woke with a fever and the spots had spread to her face. I took her to the doctor and he said he's pretty sure it's viral, nothing serious, but it looked like a variant of hand, foot, and mouth. He said variant because he didn't see any spots in her throat, but everything else was pointing in that direction. Anyway, the poor baby was absolutely miserable all day yesterday. :( I had to go to Target to get some trash bags and other things we had run out of and she was a trooper, but after a while she was slumped over in the cart whining at me like "why are we here?!" Anyway, the fever seems to be down today but she still has the spots. And she does seem to feel better because this morning she was trying to play pattycake with Benjamin but he didn't understand (even though she was saying pattycake). He thought she just wanted to hit his hands or something. :)


  1. Poor Lilster...she's sick, and her dad doesn't know how to play patty-cake. :-) (Hmmmm...sort of reminds me of my own childhood in a way).

    Glad to hear that she's feeling a little bit better. I was also just thinking this morning about how she'll be a year old before you know it! Are you just amazed how fast the time flew by?!

  2. OK, first of all, she was not saying patty-cake; she wasn't really saying much of anything, just banging on her diaper cover. Second of all, there's nothing wrong with not knowing how to play patty-cake. She can teach me when she's older if she wants to play.

  3. OK, first of all, she was saying pattycake; she was saying a lot, whilst banging on her diaper cover. Second of all, maybe your mom can teach you when she comes to visit. :)

  4. I wish you two were my parents. :-)
