Sunday, May 30, 2010

Almost-summertime fun

I haven't posted anything in a while, so here's a mishmash of things that Lily's been up to lately:

Last weekend, playing with the wagon:

Lanie's said it before, but she loves pointing out the parts of her face:

... and other people's faces, and stuffed animals', and real animals', like Oscar's eyes:

Thankfully, Oscar is a good sport about it.

Saturday we stopped by a bagel place on the way to pick strawberries (where, for once, I didn't take any pictures) - lily enjoyed the benches outside.

And enjoyed the sprayer on the pool when we got back...

... which was somewhat of an electronics hazard at times.

Already having had an action-packed day, Lily still wants to play:

And then her cousins came over for a few minutes:

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