Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Some Poor Quality Pictures of Some Good Things

Here is the best thing that ever happened to me: She smiles like that on command now. I can't get enough of it. :)

Speaking of people doing my bidding, here is Benjamin modeling a bag I finished recently:He's a very good man. :)

And here are my lovely lilies from Elizabeth:

Unfortunately my phone is still misbehaving a lot of the time and I've lost pictures I took of the awesome flowers and balloon I got on Mother's Day from kjk (most faithful and thoughtful friend in the world), and a very cute one of Lily sitting bareback on Mouse (Anna's favorite horse). :(

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed the combination Mom's Day/Birthday bouquet. :-) Also, that silly Lily smile is fantastic. We'll have to get together soon! It seems like forever since I've seen you...May is the month when everything seems to happen at once and I lose track time!
