Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lily has been sleeping much better lately. I'm always so scared to say that because as soon as I do she'll revert back to waking every few hours, but here's hoping she's finally learned that it's better for everyone when we all sleep at night. :) Naps are another story, as they've been kind of hit or miss lately. Oh well... I can't have it all, eh?

This morning we went over to Anna's to deliver a new baby pool for the ducklings to splash around in. Hopefully we'll get some pics of that after it's all set up. In the meantime...
No visit is complete without saying hello to the horses. :) Today Lily spent some time with Snowy, who it seems is her favorite of the bunch (though Jehu the giant horse still loves Lily a ton, she seems to prefer Snowy the semi-reject horse.)
And I wanted to see the kittens. I keep telling myself I don't want to bring this little girl home:
but she would make an interesting addition to our cat sandwich, no? Though pretty much everyone knows I'd love to send Jelly to a new home and replace her with something less... messy? :)
And the baby ones! I'm not sure when the new litter was born, but they are so teeny tiny I couldn't even believe it.
For comparison:
So that's the farm news. I've had lots of sewing frustrations lately, but there will be pics eventually.

Also, as I'm typing this I'm reminding myself again that a new kitten would not be a good idea. Lily's time with Oscar (the dog in the video below) I think has convinced her she can play with her pets like that. Peanut Butter is not enjoying it. :(


  1. The sleeping beauty is precious ...

    the kittens sweet ...

    sorry about the sewing frustation ...

    praying for you all!!

    Sending HUGS!!


  2. Oh my, it's kitten season all around...I'm definitely taking one from my Aunt Alison's bunch in a couple of weeks. That will make 3 cats in the house... I don't know if adding a 3rd to your mix would be a good idea. You would have to name it Bread or Toast or Bun to truly complete the sandwich, and that would be kind of weird. Hahaha. Anyway, love the cute farm pics. Maybe we can get together soon? I feel like life has been kind of nutty lately, but I sure would like to see you!
