Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Lily was a bumblebee for Halloween. :)

And Benjamin gave her her first bathtub mohawk tonight:
Check out those chompers! See that fang on the left? As of this week we are officially in the process of weaning. It is going awesomely so far, and I could not be happier. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

That's Some Pig

There are some brand new piglets at Aunt Anna's farm! Peanut and I braved the cold rain to go check them out this afternoon.
"Anna" is the first name that Lily can say. I don't know if it's because she loves her so much or because she likes the dogs that come with Anna. :)
Anyway, cutest, squealiest piglets ever. Tiny curly tails and fuzzy, squinty eyes.
Lily was pretty silent and hanging on to me pretty tightly when we first got in the barn. Probably because these guys were making a whole lot of noise:
These really are some of the cutest piglets I've seen. They kind of lined up to have their picture taken.
Eventually Lily got a bit braver and went inside the pen with Anna.
And then Anna held her over the poo pile. Ha!
Anyway, it was a fun time. How awesome for Lily to have an aunt with a farm! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Banana Pudding

Lanie says that she's never been very good at putting Cool Whip ™ on top of banana pudding, so following my advice to try squeezing it out of a bag, we ended up with this:

which eventually begat a very confused Lily, as she has never encountered such a dessert (or much of any dessert at all, now that I think about it):

But, of course, confusion gave way to eager abandon:

And it seems that she does love bananas and pudding, but favorite part was the trademarked whipped topping, until she remembered the delicious raisins, which were part of dinner's carrot-and-raisin salad.

That capped off a weekend that seemed entirely devoted to cooking. Lisa had surgery on Friday (twice!), so we helped to keep her, Josh, Maya, and Meg fed, and we went all-out this afternoon. (Slow-cooked pulled pork barbecue sandwiches, carrot salad, deviled eggs, and banana pudding.)

Oh yeah, she loves playing Peek-a-Boo now; this is the tail end of it:

(I wisely recorded this with the camera sideways, and the rotation has widened it; my bad.)

P.S. plastic plates.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Wednesday was Benjamin's birthday. Lily and I have been sick and I don't know if it's because of that or because she's almost one, but her schedule has just been off lately. So naps haven't been happening, which means I can't get anything done. So Wednesday was an especially bad day and I dropped the ball and didn't manage to do anything special for Benjamin's birthday. I tried to make up for it on Thursday by having dinner ready for when he got home and at the last minute Lily and I ran out and got him this icecream cake:
I have a better quality picture of it but I prefer the one above because I think it represents the week well. It was his birthday, we tried to get a cake, but it's kind of dark and dreary and there's a thermometer in the background. We didn't have room in the freezer for the cake so it sat out on the kitchen table (melting) while he worked late. It kind of reminded me of last year, when he worked late on his birthday because he did something to the server and it crashed and he didn't get home until 8 or 9 PM. That was his 30th birthday and I was huge and pregnant like this:
The above picture is actually from the baby shower my sisters and kjk had for me at my Mom's house on October 12. So by October 21 things had gotten even more difficult, but I invited everyone over and made pork chops (not something I usually cook) and a cake, though poor Benj had to work late, at least he came home to a surprise party. Anyway, this year he turned 31 and I'm not pregnant, but I do have this to contend with:
So I gave her dinner while we waited for Benj to get home. She of course ate all of the greenbeans and cheese but threw all of her pasta on the floor. This picture was taken not long before she threw the plate on the floor and it cracked in half. Of course this is my fault for not having gone out and bought some plastic baby plates yet. She broke another plate this morning so as of today I have officially learned my lesson and will be going out later to get some plastic plates.
Anyway, eventually Benjamin came home and we had our dinner and ate some cake. He worked late again last night but I don't want to talk about it.

In other news, I recently made this knitting set:
I have gotten orders for 2 more of them. I find they're much easier than working on bedding as it's just generally so much easier to sew small things. :) And unfortunately this bedding set is on its way back to me to try to resell as the woman never got around to paying me for it, strung me along for months, and now is finally just sending it back after 2 months. Don't get me started. :(

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hands Full

We've had an especially rough time lately. I've been sick for a week now. Lily has been sick for a few days as well. Mostly just stuffy noses and general misery. Friday night was one of the worst nights we've ever had with her. It took about 3 hours to get her to actually fall asleep. I was exhausted (wouldn't you be after taking care of a wildchild all by yourself for a week while sick?) so at some point I gave up and tried to just put her in bed with us. So she spent about an hour and a half trying to dive-bomb off the bed, pulling my hair, kicking my neck, clawing at my face, and just generally flopping around like a psycho fish. Anyway, after she finally fell asleep (at almost 2 am) she still woke about every hour and a half or so. In the morning her hair looked like this:

And my hair wasn't much better. So yeah, it was a rough night. My mom keeps telling me I need to night wean her, and I agree, but I also just don't have much hope for it working. :( The girl has a mind of her own and tends to decide when she's ready for things and until that point it's really just a pointless struggle on my part to change things.

Anyway, here's she is getting into her favorite drawer in the kitchen:
And showing off how big she is now:

Needs more Lily Bell

Considering it's basically winter already, I thought I should post to let everyone know that the video above was actually posted by Benjamin, and it's over 2 months old. So she's a lot smaller there. Also, much less able to cause trouble. Oh how I long for the days when we only had to worry about her eating grass...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wedding Weekend #2, Part Two

So Saturday morning it rained and rained. We made it just in time to set up the cake and get ourselves situated before the ceremony started. Lindy looked beautiful! The ceremony was held in the reception area because of the rain, so here is my dad walking her down the "aisle":
The pastor was from Jersey and looked and sounded a lot like Christopher Walken, or at least I thought so...
Here I am after about 4 hours of sleep and some time spent out it in the rain:Gorgeous and glamorous, as always. :( Anyway, Lindy and Steve were happy and sweet and it was a beautiful ceremony. I especially love my very happy grandmother's face in this picture of them kissing (that's her in pink on the right):
Anna made a nice speech, though she was pretty nervous. I fought back the tears until I saw Aunt Ruth crying, then I was a mess. But look at this lovely arch someone decorated!
The food was nice and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Though Lindy accidentally burnt a hole in her napkin on some candles on her table:
Very typical Lindy. :) Lil partied like a big girl for a bit:
But eventually got a bit fussy so Benjamin took her downstairs to play. Apparently she enjoyed this big red chair:
(I made her dress.)
She rubs her head on things when she's tired, poor girl.
Anyway, overall I'd say it was a very nice day and a beautiful wedding. Everyone chipped in and did their part. Like Uncle Josh running the sound:
And Benjamin and I making a champion effort at some kind of cake:
And plenty of sweet little girls with happy faces:
And now Lindy is married and Lily has a new Uncle Steve. Oh happy day! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wedding Weekend #2, Part One

Lindy got married on Saturday! Yay!

Sorry, I felt like that deserved huge font. :) Benjamin took the day off on Friday and we headed down to my mom's house for the last-minute preparation. I went to the wedding/reception site to decorate the arch (a giant metal monstrosity that upon inspection looked like it was a yard sale lawn ornament cast-off). Lily stayed behind with Benjamin and apparently spent some time hanging out with Ian's girls:
and learning to walk like Chica.
(She reminds me of Mowgli from The Jungle Book in this picture.)

We were there for far too long and I was stressed out beyond belief because we were also supposed to make the wedding cake. And what a disaster that was! Here is Benjamin working on icing one of the layers (this picture was taken around midnight):
Keep in mind we haven't had a full night's sleep in a year, so we pretty much operate in spaced-out zombie mode 24/7. I knew Benjamin was over-tired when I told him I was worried about one of the layers not cooling fast enough and he immediately tried to put it in the fridge. Apparently he laid it in a drawer on top of a wine bottle, so of course the cake broke:
His response? "I thought it was flatter than that!" Poor guy. Anyway, we finally finished the first layer of icing and went to bed around 12:30.
We woke at 5:30, worked on the cake some more, showered, dressed, fed and dressed Lily, and packed up the car. Lily played sweetly on the floor with marshmallows and confectioner's sugar while we worked:
So we were exhausted to say the least. The wedding was scheduled for 11 AM in Chadd's Ford (which is about an hour and a half from here), and we had a cake to deliver. Oh, and it was pouring rain. Lindy had planned an outdoor ceremony. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wedding Weekend #1

Alright, here we go-

We went to the wedding of our good friend Santanu (aka Uncle Shmoop)'s sister in Bethesda, Md. We missed Santanu's wedding because it was in India, so this was going to make up for that. We had originally thought my mom could watch Lily for us, but Mom is off traveling again (this time Vietnam and Indonesia) so Santanu's parents said we should just bring Lily to the wedding (which was wonderful of them). Anyway, we brought along the ever-faithful Kelly to help watch Lily so that we wouldn't have to miss parts of the event so that she could sleep. We checked into the hotel on Saturday around 1. Lily explored:
Kelly assisted in snack consumption:
The ceremony was scheduled for 3 so we got dressed, and Lily reveled in the novelty of Pampers:
Unfortunately this is the only picture we managed to get of the ceremony:
But it gives a good idea of how beautiful it was. What it doesn't show is the overwhelming smell of incense, and though you can kind of see the bride and groom, you can't see how absolutely beautiful she was. Amazing! As Benjamin put it, there was "lots of conch shell". After the ceremony we spent some time hanging out with Santanu and the other old Boston crew (Kevin, Jason, Mike, AJ, Frances) out on the hotel patio. Lily liked most of them but loved Uncle Shmoop:
Or maybe it was just the scarf? :)
Frances loved Lily and spent a lot of time playing/dancing/cuddling with her:
That picture was taken during the cocktail hour, which had some fantastic food and even more fantastic mango lassis. The reception was a bit rowdy so Lily spent some time playing outside the ballroom area:

Which may have been her favorite part of the whole event. :) I took her up to bed soon after and came back to the reception to eat some lamb and paneer and other things that my Central Pennsylvanian palate was just not made for. Eventually the reception was rowdy enough that we all decided to hang out outside the ballroom area so we could actually talk:
Though Jason and Fran were still a bit obnoxious and asked me rudely as I was leaving whether it was because I had to go breastfeed (Jason sat rubbing his chest while asking this). You can't see me but my eyes are rolling out of my head as I type that.

Lily woke bright and early around 6 am and got back to exploring:
And by 8 AM had so tired herself out that she basically just passed out on our bed:And after a quick nap was up and ready to wreak some havoc again:
Which included some time in the hotel pool that she did not enjoy at all. (Benjamin saw this picture and said "I look like some kind of weird European." ha!)So that was our trip! Not great pics, not much of a story, but overall Lily seemed to enjoy herself. :) Thanks again to Kelly for coming along and being such a wonderful and helpful friend to me and to Lily too!