Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wedding Weekend #2, Part Two

So Saturday morning it rained and rained. We made it just in time to set up the cake and get ourselves situated before the ceremony started. Lindy looked beautiful! The ceremony was held in the reception area because of the rain, so here is my dad walking her down the "aisle":
The pastor was from Jersey and looked and sounded a lot like Christopher Walken, or at least I thought so...
Here I am after about 4 hours of sleep and some time spent out it in the rain:Gorgeous and glamorous, as always. :( Anyway, Lindy and Steve were happy and sweet and it was a beautiful ceremony. I especially love my very happy grandmother's face in this picture of them kissing (that's her in pink on the right):
Anna made a nice speech, though she was pretty nervous. I fought back the tears until I saw Aunt Ruth crying, then I was a mess. But look at this lovely arch someone decorated!
The food was nice and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Though Lindy accidentally burnt a hole in her napkin on some candles on her table:
Very typical Lindy. :) Lil partied like a big girl for a bit:
But eventually got a bit fussy so Benjamin took her downstairs to play. Apparently she enjoyed this big red chair:
(I made her dress.)
She rubs her head on things when she's tired, poor girl.
Anyway, overall I'd say it was a very nice day and a beautiful wedding. Everyone chipped in and did their part. Like Uncle Josh running the sound:
And Benjamin and I making a champion effort at some kind of cake:
And plenty of sweet little girls with happy faces:
And now Lindy is married and Lily has a new Uncle Steve. Oh happy day! :)


  1. What a lovely account...looks like the wedding was hilarious and fun with just the right amount of disaster thrown in. :-) That arch does look quite fantastic...do you have the name and number of the person that decorated it? I'd like to hire them to decorate some arches for my next event.

    Just one question, though...what happened to the green dress?

  2. Pretty wedding ...
    so happy to see photos! :)
    Lily's pink shoes are beautiful!! She looks like a princess ... lovely dress!
    Wonderful day!!


    p.s. I hope Lindy was able to keep the burnt napkin .. that is priceless!! :)
