Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hands Full

We've had an especially rough time lately. I've been sick for a week now. Lily has been sick for a few days as well. Mostly just stuffy noses and general misery. Friday night was one of the worst nights we've ever had with her. It took about 3 hours to get her to actually fall asleep. I was exhausted (wouldn't you be after taking care of a wildchild all by yourself for a week while sick?) so at some point I gave up and tried to just put her in bed with us. So she spent about an hour and a half trying to dive-bomb off the bed, pulling my hair, kicking my neck, clawing at my face, and just generally flopping around like a psycho fish. Anyway, after she finally fell asleep (at almost 2 am) she still woke about every hour and a half or so. In the morning her hair looked like this:

And my hair wasn't much better. So yeah, it was a rough night. My mom keeps telling me I need to night wean her, and I agree, but I also just don't have much hope for it working. :( The girl has a mind of her own and tends to decide when she's ready for things and until that point it's really just a pointless struggle on my part to change things.

Anyway, here's she is getting into her favorite drawer in the kitchen:
And showing off how big she is now:


  1. heart goes out to you, friend. This was a terrible weekend for being cooped up and discontent already without your horrendous Friday night experience.

    Here's hoping you feel better this week. I hear the weather's not going to be quite so brutal (why was it suddenly winter for 4 days?!) at least, so maybe you can get out and about with psycho fish. :-)

  2. So much to say about these photos - they bring back a lot of memories:

    She even looks like Benjamin and her Great Grandpa Vollmer from the back! When my dad would take off his cap his hair would look just like that first picture! :)

    Is Lily's hair getting redder? I had reddish hair as a baby. I'll have to show you my baby book some time.

    Benjamin and Elizabeth had a yellow ride on toy at her age ... I think it may have been a pony?? A picture of it is probably in Benjamin's babt book.

    Maybe Supernany's bedtime technique would help!! :) Have you ever watched that show?

    Praying ...
