Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Wednesday was Benjamin's birthday. Lily and I have been sick and I don't know if it's because of that or because she's almost one, but her schedule has just been off lately. So naps haven't been happening, which means I can't get anything done. So Wednesday was an especially bad day and I dropped the ball and didn't manage to do anything special for Benjamin's birthday. I tried to make up for it on Thursday by having dinner ready for when he got home and at the last minute Lily and I ran out and got him this icecream cake:
I have a better quality picture of it but I prefer the one above because I think it represents the week well. It was his birthday, we tried to get a cake, but it's kind of dark and dreary and there's a thermometer in the background. We didn't have room in the freezer for the cake so it sat out on the kitchen table (melting) while he worked late. It kind of reminded me of last year, when he worked late on his birthday because he did something to the server and it crashed and he didn't get home until 8 or 9 PM. That was his 30th birthday and I was huge and pregnant like this:
The above picture is actually from the baby shower my sisters and kjk had for me at my Mom's house on October 12. So by October 21 things had gotten even more difficult, but I invited everyone over and made pork chops (not something I usually cook) and a cake, though poor Benj had to work late, at least he came home to a surprise party. Anyway, this year he turned 31 and I'm not pregnant, but I do have this to contend with:
So I gave her dinner while we waited for Benj to get home. She of course ate all of the greenbeans and cheese but threw all of her pasta on the floor. This picture was taken not long before she threw the plate on the floor and it cracked in half. Of course this is my fault for not having gone out and bought some plastic baby plates yet. She broke another plate this morning so as of today I have officially learned my lesson and will be going out later to get some plastic plates.
Anyway, eventually Benjamin came home and we had our dinner and ate some cake. He worked late again last night but I don't want to talk about it.

In other news, I recently made this knitting set:
I have gotten orders for 2 more of them. I find they're much easier than working on bedding as it's just generally so much easier to sew small things. :) And unfortunately this bedding set is on its way back to me to try to resell as the woman never got around to paying me for it, strung me along for months, and now is finally just sending it back after 2 months. Don't get me started. :(

1 comment:

  1. Lily is such a sweetie, and so are you, Lanie. I hope you can look beyond the broken dishes and rough, sleepless nights to see Lily growing up to be a sweet young lady.
