Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wedding Weekend #1

Alright, here we go-

We went to the wedding of our good friend Santanu (aka Uncle Shmoop)'s sister in Bethesda, Md. We missed Santanu's wedding because it was in India, so this was going to make up for that. We had originally thought my mom could watch Lily for us, but Mom is off traveling again (this time Vietnam and Indonesia) so Santanu's parents said we should just bring Lily to the wedding (which was wonderful of them). Anyway, we brought along the ever-faithful Kelly to help watch Lily so that we wouldn't have to miss parts of the event so that she could sleep. We checked into the hotel on Saturday around 1. Lily explored:
Kelly assisted in snack consumption:
The ceremony was scheduled for 3 so we got dressed, and Lily reveled in the novelty of Pampers:
Unfortunately this is the only picture we managed to get of the ceremony:
But it gives a good idea of how beautiful it was. What it doesn't show is the overwhelming smell of incense, and though you can kind of see the bride and groom, you can't see how absolutely beautiful she was. Amazing! As Benjamin put it, there was "lots of conch shell". After the ceremony we spent some time hanging out with Santanu and the other old Boston crew (Kevin, Jason, Mike, AJ, Frances) out on the hotel patio. Lily liked most of them but loved Uncle Shmoop:
Or maybe it was just the scarf? :)
Frances loved Lily and spent a lot of time playing/dancing/cuddling with her:
That picture was taken during the cocktail hour, which had some fantastic food and even more fantastic mango lassis. The reception was a bit rowdy so Lily spent some time playing outside the ballroom area:

Which may have been her favorite part of the whole event. :) I took her up to bed soon after and came back to the reception to eat some lamb and paneer and other things that my Central Pennsylvanian palate was just not made for. Eventually the reception was rowdy enough that we all decided to hang out outside the ballroom area so we could actually talk:
Though Jason and Fran were still a bit obnoxious and asked me rudely as I was leaving whether it was because I had to go breastfeed (Jason sat rubbing his chest while asking this). You can't see me but my eyes are rolling out of my head as I type that.

Lily woke bright and early around 6 am and got back to exploring:
And by 8 AM had so tired herself out that she basically just passed out on our bed:And after a quick nap was up and ready to wreak some havoc again:
Which included some time in the hotel pool that she did not enjoy at all. (Benjamin saw this picture and said "I look like some kind of weird European." ha!)So that was our trip! Not great pics, not much of a story, but overall Lily seemed to enjoy herself. :) Thanks again to Kelly for coming along and being such a wonderful and helpful friend to me and to Lily too!


  1. And I say, "thanks for the vacation!" :-) Seriously, it was fun to spend time with Lily, experience the wonders of the Bethesda North Marriott, and eat at the Cheesecake Factory. You know how to show a girl a good time. Haha.

  2. What a wonderful weekend!! Thanks for the visuals! Nice to see the "Cambridge-ites!" Brings back lots of memories.
    Glad kjk could be with you.

    Has Lily gotten taller?? She looks longer. :)
    Eleven months tomorrow!! Where has that time gone?

    Hugs. GOGO.
