Sunday, January 31, 2010

Look At Her Go!

Lily is constantly trying to put on her coat and shoes and go outside. It's been way too cold lately for her to have much time outside, but it's at least 30 degrees today so she finally got her chance. Daddy took her out to play, and took some pictures. He did warn me when he handed me the camera card that there were going to be a few that I'd hate. I don't think I need to point out which one(s) made me gasp.


  1. Stop it; I love it! She's growing up before our very eyes. She looks like she was having a fabulous time out in the frigid-aire.

  2. How did her hat end up in the dogs mouth?? Just watch out... looks like Lily might take after me and start disappearing on "adventures" outside!

  3. Okay, you know I can pick out the pictures you hate...hahaha. I think my favorite is the one of her toddling toward the green turtle-man -- I won't comment on the one where she's flat on the ground near turtle-man. :-(

    But seriously, you have a little explorer on your hands. So funny and cute!

  4. That flat-on-her-back picture ... obviously she's getting a tan while resting.

  5. a. Everyone needs to come for a visit before she finishes growing up too fast.
    b. She very deliberately took off her hat and gave it to the dog, who seemed confused about what to do next (and gave up the hat, barely slobbered-on at all, very easily.)
    c. The flat-on-her-back picture was ... I'm not sure what. She took a very gradual tumble and then just laid there thinking about what to do next.
