Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Holidays

What a difference a year makes! I started this Lily blog a little over a year ago. Time flies! Anyway, here's what we've been up to since I last posted:
Lily spent Christmas Eve making messes while we tried to get ready for the big Christmas Eve party with my family.
Christmas morning we opened some gifts:And then we rushed around packing and loading the car to get to the airport for our big trip to Massachusetts. The (one year old supposedly reliable) car would not start, and then parking was a hassle, so we were running late at the airport and missed our flight. There were a lot of circumstances I won't get into, but let's just say it was a very, very, very rough travel day. But we made it safe and sound to New Hampshire where Grandpa was kind enough to pick up tired Lily and her poor frazzled parents. One bag was missing: Lily's. Another long story and series of circumstances but that bag ended up never making an appearance in Massachusetts. We picked it up in Philly on our return flight Monday night. So poor Lily had no clothes:
But she did have grandparents to read her many, many books:

And she got to meet her new (second?)cousin Ian, and spend some time with her great-grandma and the rest of the Strautin clan.
Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Wesley got stuck in an Oklahoma snowstorm (!!!) and also had some difficult travels, but they were able to magically appear by Sunday morning. Everyone got lots of wonderful gifts, and Lily got an amazing elephant that she wasn't so sure about:
Look at this face!
Lily loved playing with Uncle Wesley and her new bubble machine:
(Missing Lily bag note: A big thank you is owed to Aunt Elizabeth and especially Gogo for supplying clothing, diapers, wipes, baby Tylenol, the list goes on and on!)

Before we left on Monday afternoon Lily decided to make her presence known by pulling down the Christmas tree and breaking a few ornaments:
Good thing she has such patient and understanding grandparents. :)

At the airport Lily got to spend some time playing and eventually made friends with a 4 year old little boy that really seemed to love playing with her but wasn't as interested in the hugs she wanted to give him. :)
And on the plane there was some fussing and eventually she passed out and slept through the landing:And since we've been home I've been busy unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning, and trying to get organized for the new year. Today's big project was organizing my ever-growing fabric stash:
I'm thinking seeing how much fabric I have will either keep me from buying more or motivate me to sew some of it. Or both. ;)I've got a few pairs of slippers to make this weekend and Monday I need to get started on a new bedding order, so stay tuned. :)


  1. Ok seriously that picture of Lily sleeping on the plane is the cutest ever. ADORABLE.

  2. The scared-of-the-elephant face still makes me laugh! Looks like Lily was getting into everything this Christmas! :-)

  3. Thanks for this chronicle of trying (yet fun?) times. You know that I think Lily is always adorable and funny; what most impresses me here is your organization of all that fabric. Absolutely beautiful work, my friend!
