Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Moving Along...

Sorry for the lack of recent posts. We (eventually) recovered from what seemed like neverending illness. In the midst of suffering with the bug, Lily suddenly started walking. I'll try to do better some other time, but here's proof:

Please excuse the messy house, the sideways video, and the eggplant parm on her face. It's been a long day. The messy house situation has not been helped by my need to keep up with sewing projects I had lined up before we all got sick. One of these days I'll get around to posting some pics of that too. And also please excuse this heavily excuse-laden post. We're back to frequent wakeups at night and my brain is beyond fried.

Stay tuned. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sideways, but adorable as usual! Speaking of adorable, the two Diannes at the office would just love to pick Lily up, and give her a big hug! (I'm still changing the Lily picture on our main office Web PC every day or two, to the latest version.)
