Sunday, January 31, 2010

Look At Her Go!

Lily is constantly trying to put on her coat and shoes and go outside. It's been way too cold lately for her to have much time outside, but it's at least 30 degrees today so she finally got her chance. Daddy took her out to play, and took some pictures. He did warn me when he handed me the camera card that there were going to be a few that I'd hate. I don't think I need to point out which one(s) made me gasp.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

She Needs A Chair

Lily has been sitting in her bumbo a lot lately. It's a tight squeeze. She's also been trying to climb on everything. The other day she got up on the ugly gold chair.(Please excuse the mess.) Anyway, we got her the perfect Lily-sized chair now and she loves it:
Look at those teeth! (Also, yes she's wearing the same outfit in the linked bumbo picture. The original was a gift from my mom before Lily was even born. The new one is a size 18 months I found at TJ Maxx and had to buy to relive her baby days.)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Having a Ball

This may be the best $2.88 I ever spent at Target. :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lily of the Day

Lily watching the neighbor boys on their scooters... mostly looking for Oscar (the dog), and barking back at him... and clinging to Daddy. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Moving Along...

Sorry for the lack of recent posts. We (eventually) recovered from what seemed like neverending illness. In the midst of suffering with the bug, Lily suddenly started walking. I'll try to do better some other time, but here's proof:

Please excuse the messy house, the sideways video, and the eggplant parm on her face. It's been a long day. The messy house situation has not been helped by my need to keep up with sewing projects I had lined up before we all got sick. One of these days I'll get around to posting some pics of that too. And also please excuse this heavily excuse-laden post. We're back to frequent wakeups at night and my brain is beyond fried.

Stay tuned. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Favorite foods

When dessert came out, her eyes popped open and her arms flailed about; after feeding her a few bites she calmed down somewhat, and I wished I had been recording the whole time.

As of this video, Lily's favorite foods seem to be (in order of discovery):

  • green beans

  • salmon cakes

  • raisins

  • pumpernickel

  • vanilla ice cream

Monday, January 11, 2010


Now Benjamin is sick too. Lily's enjoying the company. I'm ready for a break.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Short One

Little Sweetness

I took these yesterday morning before Lily got sick. She was playing in her room and took a break from pulling everything off of the bookshelf to play with her bunny and lambie.
She has been hilariously affectionate towards all of her toys lately. The other day she was kissing her little plastic dog and then making the dog kiss the picture of Henry (the dog) that Anna gave her for Christmas. Here she was rocking lambie:And this was right before she kissed lambie on the nose:
Then she went back to tearing things off the bookshelf. And then she moved on to the closet. I tried to get a video of her pulling things out of the closet that I might upload later. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Lily slept through the night last night! She didn't wake until just before 6 this morning and then slept in until around 9. That's about where the fun ends, though, because after a fussy morning and lots of whining and no interest in lunch she threw up all over herself and me around 1. Since then she has puked in her crib, on me again, on herself again, on the floor twice, and once I managed to catch some in a trash can. At first I was really sad that my poor baby is sick and now I just want to go take a bath in bleach. And I desperately wish that my husband would respond to my emails. :(

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Smiley Jones

Lily is constantly on the move so it's hard to get any pictures lately. Here she is last night trying to get away from Daddy:
We couldn't get her to sleep until 10:30 last night. There was a lot of screaming like she was being tortured in some way. Then she woke around 2:30 but went back to sleep after a bit. At 5:30 she was pretty much up for the day. I kept trying to put her back in the crib and she would immediately start up with a panicked sort of cry like she was hurt or something. I don't know if she's working on another molar but she is being awfully clingy and whiny. Not that you can tell here:
And that is the sweet face that Aunt Anna calls Smiley Jones. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Lily was just screaming at me during a diaper change and I got a good look inside her mouth. Not only are her front teeth (finally) coming in, but I clearly saw a molar that has broken through her top gum on the left hand side. Yes, a molar. So for anyone keeping track and wanting technical terms, right now she's working on a bottom lateral incisor, two top central incisors, and a top first molar. I will try to get pics but it won't be easy. :P

Also for anyone keeping track, worrying, and or praying for our constantly sleep deprived household, I wanted to say that despite the above mentioned teething issues, we have had a few wonderful nights of sleep lately. She has been averaging one wakeup per night, but Monday night she slept through the entire night. I'm speechless!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Holidays

What a difference a year makes! I started this Lily blog a little over a year ago. Time flies! Anyway, here's what we've been up to since I last posted:
Lily spent Christmas Eve making messes while we tried to get ready for the big Christmas Eve party with my family.
Christmas morning we opened some gifts:And then we rushed around packing and loading the car to get to the airport for our big trip to Massachusetts. The (one year old supposedly reliable) car would not start, and then parking was a hassle, so we were running late at the airport and missed our flight. There were a lot of circumstances I won't get into, but let's just say it was a very, very, very rough travel day. But we made it safe and sound to New Hampshire where Grandpa was kind enough to pick up tired Lily and her poor frazzled parents. One bag was missing: Lily's. Another long story and series of circumstances but that bag ended up never making an appearance in Massachusetts. We picked it up in Philly on our return flight Monday night. So poor Lily had no clothes:
But she did have grandparents to read her many, many books:

And she got to meet her new (second?)cousin Ian, and spend some time with her great-grandma and the rest of the Strautin clan.
Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Wesley got stuck in an Oklahoma snowstorm (!!!) and also had some difficult travels, but they were able to magically appear by Sunday morning. Everyone got lots of wonderful gifts, and Lily got an amazing elephant that she wasn't so sure about:
Look at this face!
Lily loved playing with Uncle Wesley and her new bubble machine:
(Missing Lily bag note: A big thank you is owed to Aunt Elizabeth and especially Gogo for supplying clothing, diapers, wipes, baby Tylenol, the list goes on and on!)

Before we left on Monday afternoon Lily decided to make her presence known by pulling down the Christmas tree and breaking a few ornaments:
Good thing she has such patient and understanding grandparents. :)

At the airport Lily got to spend some time playing and eventually made friends with a 4 year old little boy that really seemed to love playing with her but wasn't as interested in the hugs she wanted to give him. :)
And on the plane there was some fussing and eventually she passed out and slept through the landing:And since we've been home I've been busy unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning, and trying to get organized for the new year. Today's big project was organizing my ever-growing fabric stash:
I'm thinking seeing how much fabric I have will either keep me from buying more or motivate me to sew some of it. Or both. ;)I've got a few pairs of slippers to make this weekend and Monday I need to get started on a new bedding order, so stay tuned. :)