Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nothing Much

We had kind of a lazy day today. The weather was beautiful (50°!), so I thought we'd spend a lot of time outside but we never really got around to it. We went out to Isaac's for lunch and then walked over to Border's for a bit. Then Peanut and I took a nice nap and Benjamin took a picture of Lily being snoogily. :)
(She's been a paci girl for the last week or so.)

Tonight I finished the diaper bag I was working on. I think every time I make something it fails. I don't know whether it just doesn't turn out as well as I had hoped or whether I just screw up the dimensions horribly. Anyway, Benjamin isn't much of a fan of this one:
I think the straps are too wide and the purple pocket just isn't quite right. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. I like the bag ...
    It's great ... going places!

    I like the purple sleeping beauty as well.

