Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where does the time go???

Sorry, everyone, for my lack of real updates lately. I've been trying to at least post pictures lately, but I think it's clear that most of the recent posts have been kind of hurried. We've been busy but I'm not sure with what. Lily will be 3 months old on Sunday :O and she is growing and changing at such a freakish pace it's just mind boggling. And I have to say that this is definitely my favorite baby age. Lily is just all sweetness and fun (with a few of her trademark tragic episodes thrown in here and there to remind us that she's still just an itty bitty).

She seems to love bathtime more all the time. During her bath today she was kicking and splashing so much that I thought I may have to move bathtime from the kitchen sink to the bathroom (more room to splash without worry of flailing into things). Anyway, I'll try this weekend to get Benjamin to get a video of bathtime so we can post it.

Her new playmat is getting a lot of use. I have a diaper changing station set up on the floor near where the playmat is and she stares at it excitedly while I change her diaper. And we're now cloth diapering full time (finally!) and I love, love, love it. Benjamin thinks I'm nuts, and I guess I probably am. It's really like a hobby for me and I'm not sure whether I should admit that publicly or not. I've bought tons of different diapers to try, and have actually already sold some online (and made a profit). Benjamin tells people I'm becoming a diaper broker. :)

I'll try to post pics of the girly later if I get a chance.


  1. I wish I knew where the time was going myself! Lily is getting so big, and I feel like I'm missing her entire childhood. After daily lunches with her whilst she was in utero, I'm having a bit of separation anxiety. From her momma, too. :-)

    But I am busy, and my days are full (of what I'm not really going to be so crude as to elaborate here). Then I get home from work in the evenings and pretty much pass out or list random things on ebay and then pass out (alternative revenue streams are much needed in these tough economic times...haha).

    I assume the daylight hours are increasing, though, and soon snow and bad roads will no longer be a threat. I'll save some vacation days for the heart of springtime to come and play. Please don't forget me in my absence. (If I have to send you an mp3 of that "Don't You Forget About Me" song from the Breakfast Club movie, I will).

  2. They say time flies when you are having fun! :) You must be having fun.

    I know Lily helps me remember my Greek vocab. There is a word for - where - that sounds like - oh poo - so to remember I think "oh poo where is Lily's diaper?" :) Gogo.
