Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Drapes and Bad Habits

I've been slow in updating because I've found it's pretty difficult to catch all the best-of-Lily moments on camera. By the time I think "we should take a picture" either something comes up (sudden crying) or we just miss the moment.

Like last night when Benj gave Lily this toy to play with (thanks Uncle Lark and Aunt Dayna!) and I walked in to find her holding on to it and chomping on the green leaf. By the time we got the camera the scene was much less impressive.

Saturday we made the trip to Lancaster to get some size 6 months clothes at the Carter's outlet for Lily the Beanstalk. We stopped at the Pottery Barn Outlet while we were there and I FINALLY (16 months after moving in) found some drapes for the dining room.

They're kind of 50's mod, and the pic doesn't really show the contrast well, but I know Lily enjoyed staring at them for a bit last night. :)

So they say that until a baby's 3 months old it's impossible to spoil them, but I'm starting to worry anyway (and it doesn't help that developmentally she seems 3 months old). Current bad habit of concern: Lily only sleeps during the day if I'm holding her. In fact, this whole post has been done with one hand. She always sleeps in her cradle at night, but if I put her down during the day she immediately wakes. Yikes! There are occasional exceptions, always involving the carseat and going for a drive, but even that is rare. So we're definitely going to be working on this.

Another goal: get Lily to take a bottle again. She used to (age 5-7 weeks) take an occasional bottle with minimal fussing. Now she screams bloody murder. I'm extremely worried about this both for my sanity and because I'm going to be taking two evening classes this semester (yay for getting out of the house and having a routine!) but I'm not going to be able to if she's going to be starving and screaming the whole time I'm gone. :( If we don't make any progress this week I think I'll make an appointment with the lactation consultant at the hospital to see if she can help.

1 comment:

  1. When does school start? I'll be praying for all to adjust! Gogo
