Thursday, January 22, 2009

We're Back

We survived the appointment.

Lily is 12 lbs 13 oz and 24 inches long. Both are 75th percentile. I have doubts about that length though, because she definitely wasn't totally unfurled when they measured her. But yeah, doing fine. The doctor told me I should use some kind of medicated shampoo for her cradle cap, but I also have doubts about that. It is not an especially bad case of it, so I don't know if intervention's really necessary. But I might try some olive oil on it. I've read that that can help.

Anyway, the shots were awful as expected. She was a trooper at first, with just the usual scream and squawk. But the 3rd shot (which was a doozy- I think it was the DTaP) was AWFUL. She turned bright red and screamed like I've never heard her scream. It was horrible. As soon as I held her she calmed down and was very snuggly but sad and I just stood there trying not to let the doctor notice that I had tears in my eyes. :(

But yeah, we survived. This is what we're doing now:


  1. Lily looks like she is worn out!

  2. Brave mom ... brave daughter. Needles hurt.

  3. My kids always had terrible cradle cap. I always used baby oil and this brush they give us at the hospital here. It has a soft, kind of useless sponge on one side, but on the other side is one of those plastic bristle brushes that is really soft. Do you have one of these? They help loosen the cradle cap. Then I would wash the baby's hair. After doing this for a couple of days, it would clear up.
